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Third Party Advice on Retirement for Target Employees

Although The Retirement Group is not affiliated with Target, the Retirement Center was created to provide Target retirees with resources which will help them reach their retirement goals. It is our goal to make sure that you have the knowledge and insight necessary to make well informed decisions in your retirement.

Retirement Articles

Featured Articles for Target Employees

We have a large collection of retirement articles that will help you reach your retirement goals. We strive to be a one stop shop for all of your Target retirement needs.

Target: Social Security and Medicare

Identifying optimal ways to claim Social Security is essential to your retirement income planning.

The Best States for Target Employees to Retire in 2023

Learn which states could fit your retirement plan.

Schedule a Call

Need help planning your next move from Target? Schedule a call with one of our financial advisors today.

Webinar Series

Should You Take the Lump Sum or Annuity When Interest Rates Rise?

In this webinar series for Lockheed Martin employees we cover a variety of retirement related topics including the cost/benefit analysis of staying with the company. Click below to register for our next live webinar!

business people group at meeting seminar presentation in brigt conference room
Personal Meeting

Meet with an Advisor

Meeting with an advisor is commonly the next step as you step away from Lockheed Martin. We have advisors available nationwide that can discuss your financial options as you begin your retirement journey. 

Disclaimer: Securities offered through FSC Securities Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through The Retirement Group, LLC. a registered investment advisor not affiliated with FSC Securities Corporation. *The Retirement Group is not affiliated with or endorsed by AT&T. This message and any attachments contain information, which may be confidential and/or privileged, and is intended for use only by the intended recipient. Any review, copying, distribution or use of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please (i) notify the sender immediately and (ii) destroy all copies of this message. The Retirement Group, LLC is registered to conduct advisory business in the following states: AZ, CA, CO, FL, ID, IL, IN, LA, MD, MI, MO, NE, NV, NJ, NY, NC, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TX, UT, VA, WA. Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction: 5414 Oberlin Dr #220, San Diego CA 92121 (800) 900-5867