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Avoid These Costly Mistakes: 8 Major Expenses for American Family Retirees

Introduction :

Retirement is a significant milestone in the lives of many employees at American Family, and as you plan for this important phase, it's essential to consider various factors that can impact your financial well-being. While you may have diligently saved and invested, it's crucial to be aware of potential expenses that can catch retirees off guard. In this article, we will explore eight unexpected expenses that might arise during retirement and provide valuable insights on how to effectively prepare for them. By understanding and proactively managing these expenses, you can ensure a financially stable and fulfilling retirement journey. At TRG, we are committed to supporting our employees in their retirement planning and providing resources to help navigate these financial considerations successfully.

Health Costs:

Upon retirement, enrolling in Medicare is a common step for many American Family employees. However, it is essential to recognize that Medicare does not cover all healthcare expenses. Research shows that retirees face significant out-of-pocket costs, which tend to increase as they age. To better prepare for these expenses, it is prudent to allocate funds beyond what is expected today, ensuring financial stability for the future.

Taxes :

Contrary to popular belief, retirement from American Family does not exempt individuals from tax obligations. Retirees may still have tax liabilities, including taxes on Social Security benefits and withdrawals from retirement accounts like the 401(k). Minimizing these tax burdens requires careful planning. Seeking guidance from a tax professional or financial advisor can help optimize strategies to reduce your tax bill and maximize your retirement savings.

Discretionary Spending:

While it may seem exciting to have the freedom to pursue hobbies and activities during retirement, excessive spending on discretionary items can strain your savings. With the absence of a regular paycheck, it is crucial to exercise caution and create a realistic budget that aligns with your retirement goals. By adhering to a well-structured budget, you can enjoy your retirement while maintaining financial security.

Support for Family:

Retirees of American Family often find themselves supporting their adult children financially or indulging their grandchildren. While this generosity is commendable, it is vital to determine your own financial limits and ensure that supporting your family does not jeopardize your own retirement plans. By maintaining a clear understanding of what you can afford to contribute, you can strike a balance between supporting your loved ones and securing your own financial well-being.

Travel :

Many American Family retirees aspire to explore the world, visit family members in different locations, or embark on new adventures. However, travel expenses can accumulate quickly. Planning for these costs is essential, especially when considering frequent visits to family members residing in other states or cities. Allocating a portion of your budget specifically for travel will enable you to fulfill your wanderlust while staying within your financial means.

Home Costs:

Paying off a mortgage before retirement is a common objective, providing a sense of financial freedom. However, it is important to recognize that housing costs extend beyond mortgage payments. Retirement often allows for more time to enjoy one's home, which may result in increased expenses for renovations, upgrades, and repairs. By creating a realistic monthly budget for home-related expenses and gradually completing tasks over time, retirees can maintain their homes while avoiding financial strain.

Emergencies :

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An emergency fund is particularly crucial during retirement, as unexpected expenses can arise without the safety net of a regular paycheck. Allocating funds to cover potential car repairs, appliance breakdowns, or technological replacements ensures that retirees can navigate these situations without experiencing financial stress. Building an emergency fund that is accessible when needed is a wise precautionary measure.

Food Expenses:

American Family retirees may find themselves spending more on food, whether through dining out, takeout orders, or culinary exploration at home. While treating yourself occasionally is enjoyable, it is important to maintain a balanced approach and avoid excessive spending. By viewing lavish meals as occasional indulgences rather than regular occurrences, retirees can manage their food expenses effectively and maintain a sustainable budget.

Conclusion :

Retirement brings significant changes, particularly in terms of financial management. At The Retirement Group, we understand the importance of preparing for unexpected expenses to ensure a secure and fulfilling retirement for our American Family employees. That's why we have created a comprehensive guide that explores the 8 biggest expenses most retirees underestimate and provides valuable insights and expert tips on how to prepare for them effectively.

From healthcare costs to taxes, discretionary spending to supporting family, travel expenses to home costs, emergencies to food expenses, we cover each aspect in detail. Our guide emphasizes the importance of creating a budget, working with professionals, and maintaining emergency funds to proactively manage these expenses. By implementing these strategies, our employees can take control of their financial future and embark on their retirement journey with confidence.

We also shed light on the financial burden of long-term care, a commonly underestimated expense among retirees. With research indicating that approximately 70% of individuals over the age of 65 will require some form of long-term care, it is crucial to factor in these costs and consider long-term care insurance or other financial strategies to mitigate the potential financial burden.

At The Retirement Group, we are committed to supporting our employees in their retirement planning and providing the resources they need to navigate these financial considerations successfully. With our guide, you can gain financial stability, minimize surprises, and make the most of your golden years. Don't let unexpected expenses derail your retirement plans. Plan ahead, stay informed, and enjoy a fulfilling retirement journey with us by your side.

With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
American Family Insurance provides a defined contribution 401(k) plan with company matching contributions. Employees can contribute pre-tax or Roth (after-tax) dollars, and American Family matches a percentage of eligible compensation. The plan includes various investment options, such as target-date funds and mutual funds. Financial planning resources and tools are available to help employees manage their retirement savings.
Layoffs and Restructuring: In October 2023, American Family Insurance confirmed staff reductions aimed at increasing efficiencies across its operations. The layoffs affected various positions, including leadership roles, as the company consolidates areas that provide similar functions across its multiple insurance brands (Sources: Insurance Journal, The Insurer). Financial Performance: The company reported a significant underwriting loss of $1.5 billion in 2022, attributed to inflation and high catastrophe claims. Despite these losses, American Family maintains a strong financial position with plans to reinvest in products and services (Sources: Carrier Management, AM Best). Operational Changes: The restructuring aligns with American Family's strategy to streamline processes and improve cost management, which is essential for sustaining long-term growth and delivering value to customers (Sources: Insurance Journal, The Insurer).
American Family Insurance grants RSUs that vest over time, providing shares upon vesting. Stock options are also part of their compensation, allowing employees to buy shares at a fixed price.
American Family Insurance has consistently enhanced its employee healthcare benefits to adapt to the evolving needs of its workforce. For 2023, the company maintained comprehensive medical, dental, and vision plans. These plans offer a range of services including preventive care, major dental work, and vision care, which covers eye exams, lenses, and frames. Mental health support is also a significant part of the benefits package, with access to counseling services and wellness programs designed to support employees' mental and emotional well-being. These offerings are designed to ensure that employees have access to quality healthcare, promoting a healthier work environment and improving overall productivity. In 2024, American Family Insurance continued to refine its healthcare benefits, placing a greater emphasis on flexibility and comprehensive coverage. The company introduced enhancements such as expanded mental health resources and wellness programs aimed at managing chronic conditions and preventive care. This is particularly important given the current economic and political climate, where healthcare costs are rising and the need for robust employee support systems is critical. The company also provides various options for employees to manage healthcare costs through Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). By continuously updating its benefits offerings, American Family Insurance ensures that its employees are well-supported in maintaining their health and well-being.
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for American Family at 6600 american parkway Madison, WI 53783; or by calling them at 1-800-692-6326.

https://www.amfam.com/documents/pension-plan-2022.pdf - Page 5, https://www.amfam.com/documents/pension-plan-2023.pdf - Page 12, https://www.amfam.com/documents/pension-plan-2024.pdf - Page 15, https://www.amfam.com/documents/401k-plan-2022.pdf - Page 8, https://www.amfam.com/documents/401k-plan-2023.pdf - Page 22, https://www.amfam.com/documents/401k-plan-2024.pdf - Page 28, https://www.amfam.com/documents/rsu-plan-2022.pdf - Page 20, https://www.amfam.com/documents/rsu-plan-2023.pdf - Page 14, https://www.amfam.com/documents/rsu-plan-2024.pdf - Page 17, https://www.amfam.com/documents/healthcare-plan-2022.pdf - Page 23

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