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Caution About Online Social Media and Investment Scams

If you work for Southern California Edison, you have likely read news articles and other financial information about your workplace online. As investors become more dependent on the internet, fraudsters can take advantage of those searching for information on the web through social media. The FBI estimates that senior citizens lose more than $3 billion each year to financial scams including romance scams and lottery and sweepstakes scams. This is supported by the CSN Data Book 2020, which states that fraud-related losses in 2020 will exceed $3.3 billion, an increase of nearly $1.5 billion over 2019. As the world’s population continues to age, this number is only likely to rise. Fraudsters are currently utilizing these public platforms to quickly, cheaply, and easily reach large numbers of individuals.


In addition, as a result of the abundance of resources, fraudsters can now post information that appears to be remarkably clear and credible. In light of this, the SEC's Office of Investor Education and Advocacy advises investors to maintain skepticism and avoid acting solely on the basis of information obtained from social media or other apps. Southern California Edison employees who wish to avoid a scam should be aware that fraudsters disseminate false information anonymously, using the credentials of others, fake profiles, and even impersonating legitimate sources, making it difficult to track and hold them accountable. These individuals frequently spread inaccurate, misleading, or insufficient information. The entries convey a false sense of legitimacy, typically creating the impression that a large number of people are purchasing an investment in order to make it appear attractive to the victim. There are countless schemes that con artists use to defraud online investors. Here are a few cons that Southern California Edison employees should avoid:


Fraudulent Imitation Schemes:

Fraud (46,3%) and identity theft (29.4%) comprise the majority of FTC complaints. With nearly 500,000 total reports, imposter schemes are the most common type of fraud. These losses totaled nearly $1.2 billion, with an average loss of $850. 'Government documents or benefits fraud' was the most common type of identity theft, with over 400,000 reported cases.


Scammers frequently impersonate banks, brokers, investment advisors, and other reputable sources of market information. From 2019 to 2020, reports of fraud and identity theft increased by 47%. Fraudsters are able to obtain a client's information by creating an account resembling a specific individual or company, web pages with a legitimate company's logo, and comments that direct clients to a bogus website. When receiving information through social media, it is essential for Southern California Edison employees who wish to avoid becoming victims of fraud to verify the source's identity. Checking the sender's account name, profile, email address, and screen name is the first step in validating their identity.

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When contacting a company or visiting their website, you may want to review the company's SEC filings to ensure that the contact information and website address are legitimate. You can independently verify an advisor or broker's information using the phone number or website listed in their associated firm's Client Relationship Summary (Form CRS). Those working for Southern California Edison may be able to identify a reliable source by paying attention to a platform's verification methods, such as Twitter's verified blue check mark. On social media, fraudsters have been known to impersonate SEC employees. At www.sec.gov/opa/socialmedia, you will find a list of verified SEC accounts. In addition, there have been instances of fraudsters hacking into a victim's device and contacting their contacts; therefore, if you receive information about an investment opportunity from someone in your contacts list, be sure to contact them in person before making any financial decisions.


Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Investments

The annual number of reported scams in the cryptocurrency industry is enormous. Regulators frequently assert that cryptocurrency frauds are predictable, but Southern California Edison employees should trade with caution. Several factors make the cryptocurrency market susceptible to fraud. Due to the nature of fiat currencies, neither banks nor centralized agencies are available to flag suspicious transactions and prevent fraud before it occurs. Transactions in cryptocurrencies are irreversible; if money is lost, it cannot be recovered, even if the user reports fraud. In recent years, cryptocurrency has received a great deal of attention, and fraudsters are now using investors' fear of missing out on investment opportunities to lure them into scams.


A 'crypto' investment opportunity that promises unusually high returns to Southern California Edison employees is likely fraudulent. The promise of risk-free, unlimited returns is a staple of 'crypto' online scams. Fraudsters frequently depict accounts with instantaneous value increases and fabricate a list of historical returns to increase the appeal of their schemes to investors. Prior to engaging in transactions, Southern California Edison employees who are considering a 'crypto' investment must review how the investment works, ask questions, and conduct a background check on those offering the opportunity for licensing and registration.


Romance Fraud

In 2023, the FBI anticipates an increase in reported financial loss due to a rise in international romance-related crypto investment fraud. Similar to an online relationship, the con artist convinces the victim to invest in cryptocurrency rather than cash. On dating apps and social media platforms, fraudsters are increasingly impersonating individuals with deceptive intentions while concealing their identities. Southern California Edison employees should be aware that these scams typically function by establishing an online relationship with the victim and gaining confidence/trust. Once the relationship has been established, the fraudster informs the victim of a 'once in a lifetime' investment or trading opportunity involving cryptocurrencies. The victim is then pressured to invest money on a fraudulent website and is unable to withdraw their funds. The fraudster then ceases communication with the victim and the victim is unable to recover the money.


Schemes to Manipulate the Market

Those working for Southern California Edison must also consider how fraudsters' dissemination of false information can affect the price of a legitimate stock or cryptocurrency. Fraudsters may promote an investment while posing as another individual and create new accounts designed specifically for the fraud while concealing their true identity. In light of this, it is essential to verify the posting history and original content of an account. Southern California Edison employees should be aware of the following schemes that rely on the dissemination of false information: pump and dump, scalping, and touting.


Pump and dump schemes inflate the price of a stock artificially by creating deceptive statements that incite a buying frenzy, followed by the sale of shares at the inflated price. Scalping entails recommending a stock to increase its price, then selling it for a profit. Touting entails promoting a stock without disclosing compensation for doing so. In other instances, fraudsters spread negative rumors on social media that generate fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) to drive down the price of a stock or currency, which they then purchase at a discount. Therefore, Southern California Edison employees should exercise extreme caution when purchasing stock in a company that is constantly promoted despite having no products or services to justify its value. Regardless of the sender, it is also essential to maintain a healthy level of skepticism regarding investment-related posts, messages, emails, and other unsolicited communication.


Fraudulent Community-Based Investment

Fraudsters are also known to exploit online communities, specifically targeting groups with shared characteristics such as age, ethnicity, nationality, religion, and sexual orientation. These cons take advantage of the trust and bonds within a community in order to defraud multiple people simultaneously. By mail or in person, fraudsters contact the leaders of these communities about a scheme. After persuading them, they recommend the same to other members without realizing that the proposed investment is fraudulent, deceiving an entire group of people. Southern California Edison employees can avoid being duped by conducting a background check and searching the individual's name on investor.gov.


When presented with an online investment opportunity, Southern California Edison employees must be aware of what is being offered and with whom they are dealing due to the internet's vast array of scamming opportunities. When searching for financial information online, it is essential to conduct your own research, conduct background checks on individuals, and verify the website's credibility. Before investing, it is essential to research a company's publicly available information and become familiar with its business. When protecting themselves from fraud, Southern California Edison employees must also avoid being pressured into financial transactions and refrain from following groups into trendy investments. Taking these factors into account, Southern California Edison employees should seek out a legitimate financial advisor to avoid falling victim to an investment scam. The Retirement Group caters to your personal financial needs and develops a customized plan to ensure a secure and comfortable retirement through proper financial planning.



https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/jacksonville/news/romance-scammers-targeting-victims-with-fake-crypto-investments#:~:text=In%202023%2C%20the%20FBI%20anticipates,victim%20to%20investment%20in%20cryptocurrency .

With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
Defined Benefit Plan: Southern California Edison offers a traditional defined benefit pension plan for employees hired before December 31, 2017. This plan provides a stable retirement income based on years of service and final average pay. The pension rates are adjusted annually, and employees can view their pension benefits through the EIX Benefits portal. Grandfathered employees receive the higher of two lump-sum values if applicable. Cash Balance Plan: The cash balance pension plan is available to most employees. This plan credits a percentage of the employee's salary annually to an account that grows with interest. The interest rates for the cash balance plan are announced yearly, impacting the final pension amount. Defined Contribution Plan: SCE also offers a 401(k) plan with a competitive match. Recent hires can receive up to a 10% match on their 401(k) contributions. The plan includes various investment options, such as target-date funds, asset class funds, and a Personal Choice Retirement Account (PCRA) for additional investment flexibility. Employees can also take advantage of an auto-save feature to gradually increase their contribution rates over time. Additional Benefits: In addition to the pension and 401(k) plans, SCE provides other retirement benefits, such as life insurance, profit-sharing contributions, and comprehensive retirement planning resources.
Wildfire Mitigation and Safety: Southern California Edison has significantly reduced the probability of wildfires associated with its equipment by 75%-80% since 2018. Their 2023-25 Wildfire Mitigation Plan includes measures like grid hardening, installing covered conductors, and enhanced vegetation management to further reduce wildfire risks and improve grid safety (Source: Edison International). Industry Impact: The dismantling of California’s rooftop solar program led to the loss of over 17,000 jobs in the clean energy sector, impacting SCE and other utilities. The policy changes have triggered significant layoffs (Source: Environmental Working Group). Operational Efficiency: SCE is focused on improving operational efficiency and reducing costs amidst evolving energy markets (Source: Intellizence).
Southern California Edison provides stock options and RSUs as part of its equity compensation packages. Stock options allow employees to purchase company stock at a set price post-vesting, while RSUs vest over several years. In 2022, Southern California Edison enhanced its equity programs with performance-based RSUs. This approach continued in 2023 and 2024, with broader RSU programs and performance metrics for stock options. Executives and management receive significant portions of compensation in stock options and RSUs, promoting long-term commitment. [Source: Southern California Edison Annual Reports 2022-2024, p. 115]
Southern California Edison (SCE) has been proactive in updating its employee healthcare benefits in response to the evolving economic and political landscape. In 2022, SCE introduced new health insurance options that offer broader coverage and lower out-of-pocket costs for employees. This move was part of a larger strategy to ensure that their workforce remains healthy and productive amid rising healthcare costs and economic uncertainties. The company also expanded its wellness programs to include mental health resources, recognizing the growing importance of mental health in overall employee well-being. In 2023, SCE continued to enhance its healthcare benefits by partnering with local healthcare providers to offer more personalized care options and preventive health services. These changes were made to address the increasing demand for more comprehensive and accessible healthcare solutions in the current economic environment. Additionally, SCE's commitment to employee health is seen as a strategic investment, helping to reduce absenteeism and improve employee morale and productivity. By prioritizing healthcare, SCE is positioning itself to better navigate the economic and political challenges that impact both the company and its workforce.
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Southern California Edison at 2244 walnut grove ave Rosemead, CA 91770; or by calling them at 1-800-655-4555.

https://www6.lifeatworkportal.com/slogin/edison/pdf/GY5_H12_H20_2024_Benefits_Enrollment_Guide_Flex.pdf - Page 5, https://www6.lifeatworkportal.com/slogin/edison/pdf/GY5_H12_H20_2023_Benefits_Enrollment_Guide_Flex.pdf - Page 12, https://www6.lifeatworkportal.com/slogin/edison/pdf/GY5_H12_H20_2022_Benefits_Enrollment_Guide_Flex.pdf - Page 15, https://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PublishedDocs/Efile/G000/M441/K519/441519282.PDF - Page 8, https://www.edison.com/content/dam/eix/documents/investors/corporate-governance/2023-governance-documents.pdf - Page 22, https://www.edison.com/content/dam/eix/documents/investors/corporate-governance/2024-governance-documents.pdf - Page 28, https://www.edison.com/content/dam/eix/documents/investors/corporate-governance/2022-governance-documents.pdf - Page 20, https://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PublishedDocs/Efile/G000/M385/K633/385633681.PDF - Page 14, https://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PublishedDocs/Efile/G000/M398/K742/398742219.PDF - Page 17, https://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PublishedDocs/Efile/G000/M407/K568/407568792.PDF - Page 23

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