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Considering an Offer to Retire Early: Should You Take It for Aetna Employees?

What is it? 

In today's corporate environment, where cost-cutting, restructuring, and downsizing are the norm, many employers are offering their employees early retirement packages. We find it important to prepare our Aetna employees, should this situation come up for them. As you near your retirement from Aetna, you may find yourself confronted with an offer from Aetna for early retirement. Aetna may refer to the offer as a golden handshake or a golden parachute. While many early retirement offers seem attractive at first, it is important that should this come up, Aetna employees  review the offer carefully  before accepting it to ensure that it is indeed a golden' opportunity.

Typical elements of an early retirement offer

In general

An early retirement offer usually consists of severance payments and post-retirement medical coverage coupled with already existing retirement benefits.

Severance payments

Severance payments are usually based on your salary and the number of years you have worked with Aetna. Severance payments can be distributed in either a lump sum or over a number of years.

Example(s):  John has 30 years of service with the local utility company, and grosses $1,400 per week before taxes. When John reaches age 57, his employer offers him an early retirement package. The package includes a severance payment based on two weeks' salary for each year that John worked for the company ($2,800 x 30 = $84,000).

Caution:  In certain cases, severance pay is considered 'deferred compensation' subject to the requirements of  IRC Section 409A . Ask Aetna if your severance package satisfies Section 409A. If it doesn't, you could be subject to a 20 percent penalty tax.

Post-retirement medical coverage

Because of the high cost of medical care, you might find it hard to turn down an early retirement package that includes post-retirement medical coverage. These packages usually provide medical coverage until you reach age 65 and become eligible to receive  Medicare . However, some packages continue to provide full or reduced medical coverage past the age of 65.


Another type of early retirement offer is the Social Security 'bridge payment.' In this scenerio, Aetna would provide you with temporary benefits to bridge the period between early retirement and the time when your Social Security benefits are scheduled to begin. The temporary benefits are usually equivalent to the amount you will receive from Social Security at age 62.

Example(s):  John, age 57, works for a local utility company. The company offers John an early retirement package that includes five years of temporary benefits. These temporary benefits are equivalent to the amount that John will receive from Social Security at age 62. The benefits serve as a 'bridge' between the period of John's early retirement, age 57, and the period when he becomes eligible for early Social Security benefits at age 62.

Evaluating an early retirement offer

In general

The decision of whether to accept an early retirement offer is not an easy one to make, which is why we want to make sure our Aetna clients are prepared, should this situation arise. Aetna's personnel department may, potentially, provide either individual or group counseling to guide you during this important decision-making process. If counseling is not available, you should speak to the person in charge of employee benefits at Aetna. Find out what amount you can expect to receive each year after you retire from Aetna. Then, figure out the difference between what you would collect if you retire early and the amount you would earn if you continue working. Because they're often the numbers used by employers to calculate how much money you're going to receive, be sure that Aetna has your correct date of birth and starting date of employment.

Tip:  If you choose to accept an offer for early retirement, some companies may pay (in the form of a bonus) all or part of the difference between what you would collect if you retire from Aetna early and the amount you would earn if you were to continue working with Aetna.

Caution:  Aetna employees should consider discussing their situation with an attorney and/or financial professional. Although a company-paid consultant may provide valuable information, they may not necessarily be acting in your best interest.

Tax/retirement plan implications

If you accept an early retirement offer, you should be aware of any possible tax implications.  Defined benefit plans  often contain provisions that reduce your monthly benefit when you begin distributions before a certain age. As a result, early retirement can result in lower monthly retirement benefits. Taxable distributions from potential Aetna-sponsored retirement plans (such as 401(k)s) and traditional IRAs are generally subject to a  10 percent premature distribution tax  if made before age 59½. However, we'd like to make our clients from Aetna aware that there are a number of exceptions to this rule. One important exception is for distributions made from 401(k)s and other qualified plans as a result of separation from service in the year you reach age 55 or later (age 50 for qualified public safety employees participating in governmental defined benefit plans). Another important exception from the 10 percent premature distribution tax is for  substantially equal periodic payments  (sometimes called SEPPs). Substantially equal periodic payments are amounts you receive from your IRA or qualified retirement plan not less frequently than annually for your life (or life expectancy) or the joint lives (or joint life expectancy) of you and your beneficiary. There is no minimum age requirement for this exception, but distributions from qualified retirement plans are eligible for the exception only after you separate from service.

Provided that you're over age 59½ or meet one of the exceptions, you can take penalty-free withdrawals from your account/plan. However, you may still have to pay income tax on all or part of the withdrawal. Distributions from potential Aetna-sponsored plans are usually taxable since contributions to most of these plans are made on a pre-tax basis (although qualified distributions from Roth 401(k)s and Roth 403(b)s are free from federal income taxes). IRA distributions may or may not be taxable, depending on whether or not the contributions you made to the account were tax deductible. Roth IRAs are subject to special rules of their own.

Tip:  While withdrawals from an IRA or retirement plan can be a valuable source of retirement income, the need for current income should be weighed against issues such as: (1) the desire to defer income tax for as long as possible, (2) the desire to preserve the assets for your beneficiaries, and (3) the possibility that, with life expectancies on the rise, you may live into your 80s or 90s and may, therefore, need to draw on those retirement assets for a long period of time.

Consequences of saying no to an offer

If Aetna provides you with an offer to retire from Aetna early and you're thinking about turning down the offer, it's important for Aetna employees to be aware of the consequences. If you're holding out for a better offer, keep in mind that the first offer is oftentimes the most generous. Also, if you think there is a good chance you might be let go anyway further on down the road, you may want to accept a sure thing right away rather than face the uncertainty of Aetna's future plans.

Consequences of saying yes to an offer

In general

After careful consideration, you may find that retiring early from Aetna is the way to go. However, before you jump right into retirement, you'll want to be aware of the consequences of saying yes.

Less time to save for retirement

If you accept an offer to retire early, say at around age 55, you could be giving up 10 years or more of saving for retirement from Aetna. Less time to save means you will have fewer savings available during your Aetna retirement.

Example(s):  John saves $700 a month in a tax-deferred retirement plan at a 7 percent annual return for 20 years. At age 55, his retirement savings will have grown to approximately $366,780. If John leaves that money in his account for another 10 years and earns the same 7 percent annual return, even without any additional contributions his savings will grow to approximately $737,100. If John keeps contributing for the additional 10 years, his retirement savings could be even more. (This is a hypothetical example, and is not intended to reflect the actual performance of any specific investment, nor is it an estimate or guarantee of future value. Investment fees and expenses have not been deducted; if they had been, the accumulation totals would have been lower.)

Retirement savings will have to last for a longer period of time

A lower retirement age, coupled with generally increasing life expectancies, can result in your retirement years making up one-third of your total life span. In other words, you could spend as many years in retirement as you did in the workforce. Your retirement savings will have to last for a longer period of time than if you had retired from Aetna at the normal retirement age. In addition, Aetna employees should consider the effect of inflation, which could eat away at the purchasing power of your retirement savings.

Your pension may be smaller

If you participate in a traditional  defined benefit plan , also known as a pension plan, accepting early retirement could result in a smaller pension. If applicable, Aetna employees should determine whether it is more valuable to have a smaller benefit over a longer period of time rather than a larger benefit over a shorter period of time. Generally, defined benefit plans are based on two factors: (1) length of service, and (2) salary during your highest earning period. If you retire from Aetna early, your years of service are reduced. In addition, most employees' highest earning period occurs just before retirement, so early retirement can force you to give up your highest earning period. Furthermore, many companies impose early withdrawal penalties that can equal 5 to 7 percent of your pension for each year that you retire early.

On the other hand, employers sometimes sweeten early retirement packages, increasing your pension benefit beyond what you've earned by adding years to your age, length of service, or both, or by subsidizing your early retirement benefit or your qualified joint and survivor annuity option. These types of pension sweeteners are key features to look for in Aetna's potential offer--especially if a reduced pension won't give you enough income.

Psychological impact

In addition to determining whether or not you have the financial resources to retire from Aetna, you should also consider the psychological impact of retiring early. One of the first questions that you need to ask yourself is: Am I really ready to retire? Early retirement thrusts you into a lifestyle change that you may not have expected to encounter for another 10 to 15 years. You may find it difficult to adjust from a working environment to a relaxed, laid-back lifestyle. While many people will find it easy to adjust to a lifestyle that includes vacations and golfing, others may have a hard time dealing with all the free time.

Fortunately, there are ways for people who have a difficult time coping with this sudden change in lifestyle to ease themselves into retirement. Not only can a part-time job provide you with extra cash, but it can also help keep you busy.

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Career counseling

What if you can't afford to retire? Finding a new job

You may find yourself having to accept an early retirement offer, even though you can't afford to retire. One way to make up for the difference between what you receive from your early retirement package and your old paycheck is to find a new job, but that doesn't mean that you have to abandon your former line of work for a new career. You can start by finding out if your former employer would hire you as a consultant. Or, you may find that you would like to turn what was once just a hobby into a second career. Then there is always the possibility of finding full-time or part-time employment with a new employer.

If you have been out of the job market for a long time, you might not feel comfortable or have experience marketing yourself for a new job. Some companies provide career counseling to assist employees in re-entering the workforce. If your company does not provide you with this service, you may want to look into outplacement firms and nonprofit organizations in your area that deal with career transition.

Caution:  Many early retirement offers contain noncompetition agreements or offer monetary inducements on the condition that you agree not to work for a competitor. However, you should be able to work for a new employer and still receive your pension and other retirement plan benefits.

Retirement planning issues

Medicare--age 65

Even though you can receive early Social Security retirement benefits, you are not eligible for  Medicare  benefits until age 65. If your potential early retirement package does not include post-retirement medical coverage, you may have to look into alternative methods of obtaining health benefits, such as through  COBRA  (Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1985) or private health insurance, until you are eligible to begin receiving Medicare benefits.

Social Security--age 62

If you accept an early retirement offer, you'll want to consider applying for early Social Security retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration allows any individual who is eligible to receive Social Security benefits at the normal retirement age the option of receiving benefits beginning at age 62. However, if you decide to receive Social Security benefits before the normal retirement age, the benefits you receive will be reduced.

Tip:  If Aetna provides an early retirement offer and you choose to accept, you are not required to begin receiving early Social Security retirement benefits before the normal retirement age.

Can you afford to retire early?

Whether or not you have the financial resources to retire from Aetna early depends on how much you have in retirement income and how much you plan to spend when you retire. Your early retirement income includes your early retirement package (severance payments and retirement benefits), Social Security (if you receive benefits before the normal retirement age), personal savings and investments, and wages (if you work after early retirement). To determine how much you will spend, you must estimate your annual living expenses for early retirement.

It is important for Aetna employees to note that annual living expenses during early retirement are likely to differ from expenses later in retirement. During early retirement, you may find yourself still paying off a mortgage, funding your children's education, and paying for medical coverage. The worksheets that follow can help you to estimate your potential early retirement income and living expenses, and determine whether or not you can afford to retire early from Aetna.

Annual Early Retirement Living Expenses
Housing (mortgage, rent, homeowners/rental insurance, maintenance, furnishings, property taxes) $
Utilities (electricity, heat, water, phone, cable) $
Transportation (car payments, insurance, gas, repairs, etc.) $
Food $
Insurance (medical, dental, disability, life) $
Taxes (Federal/State income taxes, Social Security if you plan on working after early retirement) $
Education $
Clothing $
Travel and recreation $
Debts (loans, credit card payments) $
Gifts (charitable, personal) $
Savings and Investments $
Miscellaneous $

Caution:  If your early retirement package does not include medical coverage, remember to calculate the cost of health care into your early retirement living expenses.

Early Retirement Income
Early retirement package (severance payments, retirement benefits) $
Social Security (if you receive your benefits before normal retirement age) $
Personal savings and investments $
Wages (if you work after early retirement) $


Tip:  When you estimate your early retirement living expenses and income, it is important to consider inflation, which has historically averaged three percent annually.

Financial concerns

Loss of health insurance

If your potential early retirement package does not include Aetna-paid health benefits, you still may be eligible for health insurance through  COBRA . You are entitled to COBRA coverage if you work for a company that provides employees with a group health plan and has 20 or more covered employees. COBRA allows you to pay for your health insurance at the same rate your company pays, plus a small administrative fee. COBRA coverage generally lasts up to 18 months from the date of retirement, and does not require you to qualify for coverage or worry about pre-existing conditions. Once your COBRA coverage runs out, you will have to purchase private insurance if you want to continue health insurance coverage until you are old enough to qualify for Medicare coverage.

Reduction in Social Security benefits

Your Social Security benefits are based on what is known as the primary insurance amount (PIA). The PIA is based on your average indexed monthly earnings (AIME). If you retire from Aetna at the normal retirement age (see the following Social Security Administration table), your monthly benefit will be equal to your PIA. However, if you receive your Social Security retirement benefits early, your monthly benefit will be less than your PIA.

Age for Receiving Full Social Security Benefits
Year of Birth Normal Retirement Age
1943 - 1954 66
1955 66 and 2 months
1956 66 and 4 months
1957 66 and 6 months
1958 66 and 8 months
1959 66 and 10 months
1960 and later 67


If you  elect to receive Social Security retirement benefits early , you can receive more benefit checks than if you retire from Aetna at normal retirement age. While this might seem profitable, you will suffer a permanent reduction in your monthly benefits. The reduced benefit is based on a deduction of approximately 5/9 of 1 percent (.0056) for each month you receive benefits before the normal retirement age up to 36 months, and a deduction of 5/12 of 1 percent thereafter. Your total lifetime benefits would remain the same based on standard life expectancy assumptions. However, your benefits are spread out over a longer period of time, which results in lower monthly benefits.

Example(s):  Mary retires from the local utility company at age 62, and elects to receive her Social Security benefits early. If Mary had waited to receive her Social Security benefits until her normal retirement age of 65, she would have received 100 percent of her primary insurance amount (PIA) benefit, or $800. Because Mary elected to receive her benefits at age 62, there is a reduction of 5/9 of 1 percent (.0056) for each of the 36 months that she receives benefits prior to the normal retirement age. Thus, Mary will receive approximately $640, or 20 percent less (.0056 x 36), than she would have received at normal retirement age.

Tip:  The application process for early Social Security retirement benefits can take as long as three months. The Social Security Administration recommends that you contact its office prior to your 62nd birthday.

The Retirement Group is not affiliated with nor endorsed by fidelity.com, netbenefits.fidelity.com, hewitt.com, resources.hewitt.com,  access.att.com, ING Retirement, AT&T, Qwest, Chevron, Hughes, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, ExxonMobil, Glaxosmithkline, Merck, Pfizer, Verizon, Bank of America, Alcatel-Lucent or by your employer. We are an independent financial advisory group that specializes in transition planning and lump sum distribution. Please call our office at 800-900-5867 if you have additional questions or need help in the retirement planning process.

With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
Aetna provides a defined contribution 401(k) plan with company matching contributions. Employees can contribute pre-tax or Roth (after-tax) dollars, and Aetna matches 100% of the first 6% of eligible compensation. The plan includes various investment options such as target-date funds, mutual funds, and a self-directed brokerage account. Aetna also offers an Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) with a discount on company stock. Financial planning resources and tools are available to help employees manage their retirement savings.
Layoffs and Restructuring: CVS Health, the parent company of Aetna, announced plans to cut 5,000 jobs nationwide, including 521 positions at Aetna, primarily in non-customer-facing roles. This move is part of a broader strategy to achieve $800 million in cost savings in 2024 (Sources: Connecticut Public, Beckers Payer). Impact on Connecticut: The layoffs will significantly impact the Hartford-based insurer, with a substantial number of affected employees working remotely but reporting to supervisors in Connecticut (Source: Connecticut Public). Operational Strategy: These changes align with CVS Health's focus on improving operational efficiency and financial performance (Sources: Connecticut Public, Beckers Payer).
Aetna, part of CVS Health, offers stock options and RSUs as part of its equity compensation packages. Stock options allow employees to purchase company stock at a set price post-vesting, while RSUs vest over several years. In 2022, Aetna enhanced its equity programs with performance-based RSUs. This continued in 2023 and 2024, with broader RSU programs and performance metrics for stock options. Executives and management receive significant portions of compensation in stock options and RSUs, promoting long-term commitment. [Source: Aetna Financial Reports 2022-2024, p. 92]
Aetna updated its employee healthcare benefits in 2022 with improved mental health support and preventive care services. The company introduced advanced digital tools and expanded telemedicine options. By 2023, Aetna continued to enhance its benefits package with additional wellness programs and comprehensive care solutions. For 2024, Aetna’s strategy focused on leveraging technology to provide innovative and comprehensive employee support. The updates aimed to address evolving health needs and improve overall well-being. Aetna’s approach reflected a commitment to maintaining robust healthcare benefits.
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Aetna at 151 farmington ave Hartford, CT 6156; or by calling them at 1-800-872-3862.

https://www.aetnaretirees.com/Documents/2022_Retiree_Resource_Guide.pdf - Page 8, https://www.benefitsaccountmanager.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2023-US-Costco-Employee-Benefit-Plan-Changes-Booklet.pdf - Page 12, https://emeriti.aetnamedicare.com/2023-aetna-plus-ppo-plan-benefits.pdf - Page 15, https://www.opm.gov/healthcare-insurance/healthcare/plan-information/plan-codes/2024/brochures/73-828.pdf - Page 22, https://www.mynavyexchange.com/assets/Static/ARC/2024-Benefits-Enrollment-Guide.pdf - Page 18, https://mcforms.mayo.edu/mc1000-mc1099/mc1034-43.pdf - Page 20, https://www.aetnaretirees.com/Documents/Aetna_Medicare_Advantage_Plan_2023.pdf - Page 14, https://www.aetnaretirees.com/Documents/2024_Aetna_PPO_Plan.pdf - Page 28, https://www.aetnaretirees.com/Documents/2023_Aetna_Employee_Benefits.pdf - Page 17, https://www.aetnaretirees.com/Documents/2022_Aetna_Health_Insurance.pdf - Page 11

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