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Reaching Retirement: Now What?

You've worked hard with Rockwell for many years anticipating the day you could finally retire. Well, the day is finally here! But with it comes the realization that you'll need to carefully manage your assets so that your retirement savings will last.

Review Your Portfolio Regularly

We'd first like to recommend that our Rockwell clients review their portfolios regularly. Traditional wisdom holds that retirees should value the safety of their principal above all else. For this reason, some people shift their investment portfolios to fixed-income investments, such as bonds and money market accounts, as they approach retirement. The problem with this approach is that you'll effectively lose purchasing power if the return on your investments doesn't keep up with inflation. While it generally makes sense for your portfolio to become progressively more conservative as you grow older, it may be wise for our Rockwell clients to consider maintaining at least a portion of their portfolio in growth investments.

Spend Wisely

We want to remind our clients that it's not wise to assume that they'll be able to live on the earnings generated by their investment portfolio and Rockwell-sponsored retirement accounts for the rest of their life, and they should spend wisely. At some point, you'll probably have to start drawing on the principal. It's important that Rockwell clients be careful not to spend too much too soon. This can be a great temptation, particularly early in your retirement.

A good guideline for our Rockwell clients to follow is to make sure their annual withdrawal rate isn't greater than 4% to 6% of their portfolio. (The appropriate percentage for you will depend on a number of factors, including the length of your payout period and your portfolio's asset allocation.) We'd like our Rockwell clients to remember that if you whittle away your principal too quickly, you may not be able to earn enough on the remaining principal to carry you through the later years.

Understand Your Retirement Plan Distribution Options

Most pension plans pay benefits in the form of an annuity. For our clients from Rockwell who are married, you generally must choose between a higher retirement benefit paid over your lifetime or a smaller benefit that continues to your spouse after your death. We recommend you speak with a financial professional who can help them with this difficult, but important, decision.

Other  Rockwell-sponsored retirement plans like 401(k)s typically don't pay benefits as annuities; the distribution (and investment) options available to you may be limited. This may be important because if you're trying to stretch your savings, you'll want to withdraw money from your retirement accounts as slowly as possible. Doing so will conserve the principal balance, and will also give those funds the chance to continue growing tax-deferred during your years of retirement after leaving Rockwell.

Consider whether it makes sense to roll your Rockwell retirement account into a traditional IRA, which typically has very flexible withdrawal options. 1  If you decide to work for another employer, you might also be able to transfer assets you've accumulated to your new employer's plan, if the new employer offers a retirement plan and allows a rollover.

Plan for Required Distributions

We would like our Rockwell clients to keep in mind that you must generally begin taking minimum distributions from retirement plans and traditional IRAs when you reach age 70½, whether you need them or not. Plan to spend these dollars first in retirement.

For our Rockwell clients who own a Roth IRA, you aren't required to take any distributions during your lifetime. Your funds can continue to grow tax-deferred, and qualified distributions will be tax-free. Because of these unique tax benefits, it generally makes sense to withdraw funds from a Roth IRA last.

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Know Your Social Security Options

You'll need to decide when to start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits. At the normal retirement age (which varies from 66 to 67, depending on the year you were born), you can receive your full Social Security retirement benefit. You can elect to receive your Social Security retirement benefit as early as age 62, but if you begin receiving your benefit before your normal retirement age, your benefit will be reduced. Conversely, if you delay your retirement from Rockwell, you can increase your Social Security retirement benefit.

Consider Phasing

For many, the sudden change from Rockwell employee to Rockwell retiree can be a difficult one. Some employers, especially those in the public sector, have begun offering 'phased retirement' plans to address this problem. Phased retirement generally allows you to continue working on a part-time basis--you benefit by having a smoother transition from full-time employment to retirement, and your employer benefits by retaining the services of a talented employee. Some phased retirement plans even allow you to access all or part of your pension benefit while you work part-time.

Of course, to the extent you are able to support yourself with a salary, the less you'll need to dip into your retirement savings. Another advantage of delaying full retirement from Rockwell is that you can continue to build tax-deferred funds in your IRA or Rockwell-sponsored retirement plan. However, it's important to keep in mind that you may be required to start taking minimum distributions from your qualified retirement plan or traditional IRA once you reach age 70½, if you want to avoid substantial penalties.

For our Rockwell clients who do continue to work, make sure you understand the consequences. Some pension plans base your retirement benefit on your final average pay. If you work part-time, your pension benefit may be reduced because your pay has gone down. We want to remind these Rockwell employees that income from a job may affect the amount of Social Security retirement benefit they receive if they are under normal retirement age. But once you reach normal retirement age, you can earn as much as you want without affecting your Social Security retirement benefit.

Facing a Shortfall

What if you're nearing your retirement from Rockwell and you determine that your retirement income may not be adequate to meet your retirement expenses? If your retirement is just around the corner, you may need to drastically change your spending and saving habits. Saving even a little money can really add up if you do it consistently and earn a reasonable rate of return. By making permanent changes to your spending habits, you'll find that your savings will last even longer. Start by preparing a budget to see where your money is going. Here are some ways our Rockwell clients can stretch their retirement dollars:

  • Refinance your home mortgage if interest rates have dropped since you obtained your loan, or reduce your housing expenses by moving to a less expensive home or apartment.
  • Access the equity in your home. Use the proceeds from a second mortgage or home equity line of credit to pay off higher-interest-rate debts, or consider a reverse mortgage.
  • Sell one of your cars if you have two. When your remaining car needs to be replaced, consider buying a used one.
  • Transfer credit card balances from higher-interest cards to a low- or no-interest card, and then cancel the old accounts.
  • Ask about insurance discounts and review your insurance needs (e.g., your need for life insurance may have lessened).
  • Reduce discretionary expenses such as lunches and dinners out.

By planning carefully, investing wisely, and spending thoughtfully, you can increase the likelihood that your retirement from Rockwell will be a financially comfortable one.

With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
Rockwell Automation offers a defined benefit pension plan for employees hired before July 1, 2010. This plan provides retirement income based on years of service and final average pay. For employees hired after this date, the company offers a defined contribution plan, including a 401(k) with company matching contributions. Rockwell Automation uses a pension calculator to help employees estimate their benefits based on various retirement scenarios. Additionally, the company has taken steps to manage its pension obligations, such as transferring some liabilities to insurance companies.
Restructuring and Layoffs: Rockwell Automation announced plans to lay off 3% of its global workforce, amounting to approximately 900 employees, due to a decline in sales. The layoffs are part of broader cost-saving measures aimed at saving $100 million in the second half of 2024 and $120 million in 2025. These actions are intended to align costs with current market conditions and prepare for future growth (Sources: WPR, Urban Milwaukee).
Rockwell Automation includes RSUs in its compensation packages, vesting over time and providing shares upon vesting. Stock options are also provided, enabling employees to buy shares at a predetermined price.
Rockwell Automation has made significant improvements to its employee healthcare benefits in response to the evolving economic, investment, tax, and political environment. In 2022, the company emphasized comprehensive health and wellness programs, which included a range of medical, dental, and vision plans, as well as mental health support services through Employee Assistance Programs (EAP). These benefits are designed to provide employees with the resources they need to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Additionally, Rockwell Automation's commitment to creating a safe and supportive work environment is evident through its structured environmental, health, and safety (EHS) initiatives, which aim to mitigate workplace risks and promote a culture of safety. In 2023, Rockwell Automation continued to enhance its healthcare offerings by expanding access to telemedicine services and implementing wellness programs focused on preventive care. The company also introduced financial wellness programs to help employees manage their finances and plan for retirement effectively. These initiatives are part of Rockwell Automation's broader strategy to attract and retain top talent by providing comprehensive healthcare benefits that address the diverse needs of its workforce. By investing in these benefits, Rockwell Automation aims to ensure long-term business success and resilience in a dynamic economic landscape.
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Rockwell at 1201 s 2nd st Milwaukee, WI 53204; or by calling them at 1-414-382-2000.

https://www.rockwellautomation.com/documents/pension-plan-2022.pdf - Page 5 https://www.rockwellautomation.com/documents/pension-plan-2023.pdf - Page 12 https://www.rockwellautomation.com/documents/pension-plan-2024.pdf - Page 15 https://www.rockwellautomation.com/documents/401k-plan-2022.pdf - Page 8 https://www.rockwellautomation.com/documents/401k-plan-2023.pdf - Page 22 https://www.rockwellautomation.com/documents/401k-plan-2024.pdf - Page 28 https://www.rockwellautomation.com/documents/rsu-plan-2022.pdf - Page 20 https://www.rockwellautomation.com/documents/rsu-plan-2023.pdf - Page 14 https://www.rockwellautomation.com/documents/rsu-plan-2024.pdf - Page 17 https://www.rockwellautomation.com/documents/healthcare-plan-2022.pdf - Page 23

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