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Test Your Knowledge of Financial Basics for Cummins Inc Employees?

According to a survey conducted by the National Council on Aging (NCOA) in 2021, 60% of adults aged 60 and older have not yet created a retirement plan. This is surprising given the fact that most individuals in this age group are either close to retirement or have already retired. Creating a retirement plan can help individuals better prepare for the financial challenges that come with retirement, such as healthcare costs and living expenses. With the right plan in place, retirees can maximize their retirement savings and ensure that they have enough money to last through their golden years.

With retirement planning being this important, we have created a test to measure how much you comprehend personal finance. This brief exam will help you evaluate your knowledge of a few fundamentals. Below is a section containing information about our Cummins Inc clients to help you learn more.


1. How much should you set aside in liquid, low-risk savings in case of emergencies?

A. One to three months' worth of expenses

B. Three to six months' worth of expenses

C. Six to 12 months' worth of expenses

D. It depends

2. Diversification can eliminate risk from your portfolio.

A. True
B. False

3. Which of the following is a key benefit of a 401(k) plan?

A. You can withdraw money at any time for needs such as the purchase of a new car.

B. The plan allows you to avoid paying taxes on a portion of your compensation.

C. You may be eligible for an employer match, which is essentially getting free money.

D. None of the above

4. Some, but not all, of the money in a bank or credit union account is protected.

A. True
B. False

5. Which of the following is typically the best way to pursue your long-term goals

A. Investing as conservatively as possible to minimize the chance of loss
B. Investing equal amounts in stocks, bonds, and cash investments
C. Investing 100% of your money in stocks
D. Not enough information to decide

6. In debt speak, what does APR stand for?

A. Actual percentage rate
B. Annual personal rate
C. Annual percentage rate
D. Actual personal return

7. Mutual funds are the safest type of investment.

A. True
B. False

8. I have plenty of time to save for my retirement from Cummins Inc. I don't have to concern myself with that right now.

A. True
B. False

9. What is/are the benefit(s) of a Roth IRA?

A. A Roth IRA can provide tax-free income in retirement.
B. Investors can take a tax deduction for their Roth IRA contributions.
C. Investors can make tax-free withdrawals after a five-year holding period for any reason.
D. All of the above

10. What is considered a good credit score?

A. 85 or above

B. 500 or above

C. B or above

D. 700 or above

Retirekit CTA


1. d. It is conventional wisdom to set aside three to six months' worth of living expenses in liquid savings vehicles, such as a bank savings account or money market account. However, the answer depends on your individual circumstances. If your job with Cummins Inc is secure, your spouse's employment is relatively secure (for our Cummins Inc clients who are married), and you have other assets, you may only need three months' worth of emergency savings. Alternatively, if you are a business proprietor in a volatile industry, you may need a year's worth of cash or more to weather uncertain times.

2. b -- False. Diversification is a sensible investment strategy that helps you manage risk by spreading your investment dollars across a variety of securities and asset classes, but we would like to remind our Cummins Inc clients that it cannot completely eliminate risk and cannot guarantee a profit. You continue to risk losing money.

3. c. Numerous employer-sponsored 401(k) plans feature a matching program, which is analogous to receiving free money to invest. If the Cummins Inc plan offers a match, you should contribute at least enough to maximize the benefit. Some matching programs impose a vesting schedule, which means that you will gradually acquire the right to the matching contributions and any earnings on those dollars. If you chose option b, you'll notice that this is a bit of a deceptive question. Contributions to traditional 401(k) plans are tax-deferred, but taxes are not eliminated entirely. When you take a distribution from the plan, you will be required to pay taxes on your contributions and any earnings on them. Additionally, distributions taken before age 5912 may be subject to a 10% tax penalty. There are some exceptions.

4. a -- True. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), respectively, insure deposits in federally insured banks and credit unions up to $250,000 per depositor, per ownership category (e.g., single account, joint account, retirement account, trust account), per insured institution. Neither the FDIC nor the NCUSIF protects against losses in equities, bonds, mutual funds, life insurance policies, annuities, or municipal securities. They also do not insure safe-deposit box contents or Treasury bill investments.

5. d. Before deciding on a strategy, we recommend that our Cummins Inc clients consult a financial professional in order to effectively pursue their long-term objectives. Among other factors, he or she will consider your objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon when developing a suitable investment strategy for you.

6. c. APR is the abbreviation for annual percentage rate. This is the rate used by credit card, mortgage, and other loan issuers to inform borrowers of the approximate annual cost of borrowing funds, including all fees and costs. The APR differs from the declared interest rate on a loan, which is typically lower than the APR because it does not include fees and other costs. We advise our Cummins Inc clients to compare the APRs of various loans in order to make prudent financial decisions. However, when comparing the APRs of fixed-rate loans and adjustable-rate loans for mortgages, exercise caution because the APR does not represent the utmost interest rate the loan may charge.

7. b -- False. Mutual funds pool the capital of numerous investors in a portfolio of securities that are invested in pursuit of a specified goal. Due to this 'diversification,' mutual funds are typically an effective risk management tool. However, we would like to remind our Cummins Inc clients that the level of inherent risk in any mutual fund is contingent on the categories of securities it holds. Always choose a mutual fund with care to ensure that its investment objective aligns with your own.

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Read the fund's prospectus carefully, as it contains important information about risks, fees, and expenses, as well as details about specific holdings.

8. b -- False. Although retirement may be decades away, investing for retirement now is a prudent move. This is due to the fact that even small amounts, such as $50 per month, can accumulate due to the power of compounding, which occurs when your returns ultimately earn returns themselves. This means that your money works for you!

9. a. The primary advantage of a Roth IRA is the tax-free retirement income it provides. Contributions are subject to income limitations and are never deductible for tax purposes. Withdrawals are permitted after a five-year holding period, provided they are 'qualified.' A qualified withdrawal is one made after the account holder dies, becomes disabled, or reaches the age of 59 and a half, or when the account holder withdraws up to $10,000 (lifetime maximum) for a first-time home purchase.

10. d. There is no universally accepted definition of what comprises a 'good' credit score because credit scores are calculated differently by different organizations. In general, however, a credit score of 700 or higher would likely reflect favorably on a credit applicant.


Retirement planning can be compared to tending to a garden. Just as a gardener must carefully select the right tools, seeds, and soil to cultivate a beautiful and bountiful garden, retirees and those approaching retirement must carefully plan their finances, investments, and healthcare options to enjoy a comfortable retirement. Both require patience, attention to detail, and regular maintenance to ensure a successful outcome. Just as a garden can bring joy and satisfaction to the gardener, a well-planned retirement can bring a sense of security and fulfillment to those who have worked hard throughout their careers.

With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
Cummins Inc. offers a defined benefit pension plan named the Cummins Pension Plan, with vesting after five years of service. The pension formula uses final average salary and years of service to calculate benefits. Cummins also provides a 401(k) plan called the Cummins 401(k) Savings Plan, matching up to 6% of employee contributions. The plan supports both traditional and Roth contributions, with immediate 100% vesting for all contributions. [Source: Cummins Benefits Handbook, 2022, p. 15]
Operational Efficiency Layoffs: Cummins is undergoing layoffs to streamline operations and improve business efficiency, particularly in middle management, aligning with its zero-emissions goals (Sources: Daily Journal, CDLLife). Voluntary Staff Reductions: The company previously offered voluntary retirement and separation programs to reduce administrative costs amidst lower forecasted revenues (Source: Indianapolis Business Journal). Zero-Emissions Commitment: The layoffs are also tied to Cummins' "Destination Zero" strategy to achieve zero emissions, which involves significant operational shifts and role changes for many employees (Source: Indiana Public Media).
Cummins Inc. provides stock options and RSUs as part of its equity compensation packages. Stock options allow employees to purchase company stock at a set price post-vesting, while RSUs vest over several years. In 2022, Cummins enhanced its equity programs with performance-based RSUs. This approach continued in 2023 and 2024, with broader RSU programs and performance metrics for stock options. Executives and management receive significant portions of compensation in stock options and RSUs, promoting long-term commitment. [Source: Cummins Annual Reports 2022-2024, p. 75]
In 2022, Cummins Inc introduced updates to its healthcare benefits, including better access to specialized care and expanded wellness programs. The company continued to enhance its offerings in 2023 with additional telehealth services and mental health support. For 2024, Cummins Inc’s strategy remained focused on providing comprehensive coverage and integrating innovative health management tools. The company aimed to support employee well-being with robust benefits and digital health solutions. Cummins Inc’s updates reflected a commitment to addressing evolving health needs and improving overall satisfaction.
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Cummins Inc at 500 jackson st Columbus, IN 47201; or by calling them at 812-377-5000.

https://www.cummins.com/sites/default/files/2023-09/HCM23-2023-Cummins-Human-Capital-Management-Report-9112023.pdf - Page 10, https://annualreport.stocklight.com/nyse/cmi/23627796.pdf - Page 37, https://investor.cummins.com/sec-filings/annual-reports/content/0000026172-23-000005/0000026172-23-000005.pdf - Page 50, https://www.cummins.com/documents/employee-benefits/pension-plan2022.pdf - Page 12, https://www.cummins.com/documents/employee-benefits/401k-plan2023.pdf - Page 17, https://www.cummins.com/documents/employee-benefits/rsu-plan2024.pdf - Page 23, https://www.cummins.com/documents/employee-benefits/stock-options2023.pdf - Page 30, https://www.cummins.com/documents/employee-benefits/healthcare-plan2024.pdf - Page 28, https://www.cummins.com/documents/employee-benefits/annual-report2023.pdf - Page 40, https://www.cummins.com/documents/employee-benefits/retirement-guide2024.pdf - Page 35

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