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Faqs: Social Security Family Benefits for Incyte Employees and Retirees

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Social security is one of the most essential aspects of retirement income for Incyte employees and retirees to understand. Social Security is typically thought of as an additional retirement income stream. It should never be the only source of income, but it can help in times of critical need. A family facing challenges such as the death of a spouse, disability, divorce, or dependent children/parents, should be aware of the benefits to which they dispose of to alleviate the financial pressure they may be under. So how exactly do family benefits work? Generally speaking, you will receive either a percentage of the Social Security benefit, the entire amount of the Social Security benefit, or a family maximum. To help illustrate the difference let’s run through some common questions that we receive from Incyte employees and retirees.

Question: 1 Can my spouse collect Social Security based on my work record?


Answer: This is a question we often receive from Incyte employees and retirees, and understandably so. Yes, spousal benefits are available to a couple who has been married for one year or longer. The maximum they can collect is 50 percent of working spouses' Primary Insurance Amount, otherwise known as Full Retirement Age if they wait until their own Full Retirement Age, or they may collect a further reduced amount starting at age 62. 1

Question: 2 Can my ex-spouse collect Social Security based on my work record?


Answer:  Yes. If you were married to your ex-spouse for 10 years or longer, they are currently not married and is age 62 or older. The same benefits apply to you as they do to a current spouse. 1

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Question: 3 What benefits are available to my family in the event that I pass away?


Answer:  From working with a large amount of Incyte employees and retirees, there is a lot of concern about how death can affect the financial well-being of the family. As a result, this question comes up quite a bit. There are two parts to consider in the answer. Yes. Your unmarried dependent children under the age of 18, or 19 if attending a primary or secondary school, or disabled as long as disability occurred before the age of 22, are entitled to receive 75 percent of their deceased parent’s PIA up to a family maximum amount. If you are caring for a child under the age of 16 the spouse is entitled to also receive 75 percent of the PIA up to a family maximum. In this situation Social Security has become available immediately to the family to provide additional income. Secondly, a widower can access their deceased spouse’s Social Security benefit at age 60. This is two years earlier than the traditional spousal benefit. As with any situation of taking Social Security early, it will be subject to a percentage reduction of the full benefit. 1

Question: 4 Are my dependent children eligible for Social Security based on my work record?


Answer:  This is another concern for many Incyte employees and retirees who have children. Yes, the same eligibility rules apply as if you were deceased. The only change is that your children would only be able to collect 50 percent of your PIA. 1

Question: 5 Is anyone else able to collect benefits off of my record?


Answer:  Yes. Your dependent parents may collect off your record presuming that you are deceased and that you were providing for more than 50 percent of their support prior to passing away. This is the least common family benefit that is available. 1 It is important to remember that a family member collecting a Social Security benefit off of your record will not reduce the benefit you are entitled to receive. Applying for the benefits you and your family are entitled to receive can add up to significant income for your family and help to relieve the pressure a life-changing event may have on your resources. We've spoken with many Incyte employees and retirees over the years, and we know that everyone’s situation is unique. There are complicated intricacies of Social Security benefits but luckily with the help of our professional financial advisors, we can help you determine when and how to apply for your benefits.

About The Retirement Group    


The Retirement Group is a nation-wide group of financial advisors who work together as a team.


We focus entirely on retirement planning and the design of retirement portfolios for transitioning corporate employees. Each representative of the group has been hand selected by The Retirement Group in select cities of the United States. Each advisor was selected based on their pension expertise, experience in financial planning, and portfolio construction knowledge.

TRG takes a teamwork approach in providing the best possible solutions for our clients’ concerns. The Team has a conservative investment philosophy and diversifies client portfolios with laddered bonds, CDs, mutual funds, ETFs, Annuities, Stocks and other investments to help achieve their goals. The team addresses Retirement, Pension, Tax, Asset Allocation, Estate, and Elder Care issues. This document utilizes various research tools and techniques. A variety of assumptions and judgmental elements are inevitably inherent in any attempt to estimate future results and, consequently, such results should be viewed as tentative estimations. Changes in the law, investment climate, interest rates, and personal circumstances will have profound effects on both the accuracy of our estimations and the suitability of our recommendations. The need for ongoing sensitivity to change and for constant re-examination and alteration of the plan is thus apparent.

Therefore, we encourage you to have your plan updated a few months before your potential retirement date as well as an annual review. It should be emphasized that neither The Retirement Group, LLC nor any of its employees can engage in the practice of law or accounting and that nothing in this document should be taken as an effort to do so. We look forward to working with tax and/or legal professionals you may select to discuss the relevant ramifications of our recommendations.

Throughout your retirement years we will continue to update you on issues affecting your retirement through our complimentary and proprietary newsletters, workshops and regular updates. You may always reach us at (800) 900-5867.



With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
Company Website: Visit Incyte’s official website, specifically their Investor Relations or Corporate Governance sections. These sections often include annual reports, financial filings, or governance documents. Annual Reports: Look through Incyte’s annual reports or Form 10-K filings for detailed information on employee benefits. These documents usually provide a section dedicated to employee benefits, including pension plans and 401(k) plans. SEC Filings: Search Incyte’s SEC filings for detailed disclosures. The Form 10-K and Form 10-Q reports will often include comprehensive information on employee benefit plans. Employee Handbook or Benefits Guide: Review any publicly available employee handbooks or benefits guides which might outline pension plan qualifications, formulas, and 401(k) plan specifics. Direct Inquiry: If online resources do not provide sufficient information, consider contacting Incyte’s HR department directly for the most accurate and detailed information.
Restructuring and Layoffs: Incyte announced a strategic restructuring in early 2024 to streamline its operations and focus on key therapeutic areas. This restructuring led to the reduction of approximately 10% of its workforce. The decision was driven by the need to adapt to the evolving economic landscape, including increasing pressure on R&D spending and market competition. This restructuring is crucial to address as it reflects broader industry trends and the impact of economic uncertainties on employment within biotech firms.
Incyte Corporation (INCY) Stock Options and RSUs Incyte provides its employees with stock options and Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) as part of its compensation package. Stock options allow employees to purchase shares at a set price, whereas RSUs represent shares granted to employees, subject to vesting conditions. For 2022, 2023, and 2024, Incyte has updated its stock options and RSU offerings to align with its growth and performance goals. Stock Options and RSUs for Incyte Employees Incyte offers stock options and RSUs primarily to executives, senior management, and high-performing employees. The allocation of these options and RSUs is based on performance, role within the company, and tenure. For the years 2022, 2023, and 2024, specific details about these grants, including vesting schedules and amounts, are detailed in Incyte's annual reports and SEC filings.
Details: Incyte's official website usually includes information on their employee benefits, including healthcare. They typically offer a comprehensive benefits package, including medical, dental, and vision coverage, as well as health savings accounts (HSAs) or flexible spending accounts (FSAs).
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Incyte at , ; or by calling them at .

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