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How Will the Fall of SVB Impact Your Garrett Motion 401(k)?

Silicon Valley Bank’s (SVB) failure is actually reflective of what is happening with the bond fund in your Garrett Motion 401k. As interest rates have increased the value of the bond fund in your 401(k) has gone down. This is the same issue that caused SVB to lose value on their long-term bonds, which led to a fear that the bank would not be able to pay its depositors. As a result, the depositors started withdrawing their money, which led to the collapse of the bank. Silicon Valley Bank was taken over by regulators when it failed on March 10th, becoming the second greatest bank failure in American history. Two days later, Signature Bank was also forced to close due to insolvency. What caused these two banks to fall, what will happen next, and most importantly, how will this affect your Garrett Motion 401(k)?


Silicon Valley Bank's demise can be traced back to the beginning of the epidemic, when it attracted massive deposits from hot new startups, venture funding, and initial public offerings. SVB, flush with cash, invested in 'secure' assets such as mortgage bonds and U.S. Treasurys. As the central bank began to boost interest rates, however, the payments from these assets fell behind. The bank was left with approximately $17 billion in unrealized losses, and in order to cover deposits, they were compelled to realize a portion of these losses by selling assets. This resulted in a vicious negative feedback loop as more individuals attempted to withdraw their funds and SVB was obliged to sell more and more assets at a loss. In the end, they were unable to generate sufficient funds to cover withdrawals, prompting regulators to take the bank.


The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has partnered with the Treasury Department to cover all uninsured deposits at SVB in addition to deposits insured under the FDIC's $250,000 policy. Stockholders and holders of unsecured bonds received no aid from authorities. The focus is now on the process of divesting SVB and its long-term impact on Garrett Motion 401ks.

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In the aftermath of SVB's catastrophic collapse, it is essential to maintain composure and analyze your Garrett Motion 401k. The collapse of SVB has precipitated a severe decline in the stock values of mid-sized banks and the whole banking industry. The Federal Reserve has stepped in with a new mechanism to support banks dubbed the Bank Term Financing Program, which can keep any bank afloat until the crisis subsides. In addition, the quantity of bonds purchased in response to the collapse has pushed down short-term interest rates, allowing cash-strapped banks to liquidate a portion of their assets without incurring losses as severe as SVB. This has enabled banks to acquire the required liquidity margin to remain solvent and in business for the foreseeable future.


The most valuable lessons we can learn from SVB is that 'safe' assets are those that can be diversified and hedged. Do not let fluctuations in interest rates and lack of cash protection dictate your future decisions. It is crucial to meet with a financial advisor to ensure that your portfolio is up-to-date and risk-protected, as precautions like this would have likely saved SVB.

With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
Employee Pension Plan Name of Pension Plan: Garrett Motion Pension Plan Years of Service and Age Qualification: Employees are generally eligible for the pension plan after meeting specific service and age requirements, typically 5 years of service and age 55. Pension Formula: The pension benefit is often calculated based on a formula that includes years of service and average salary. Specifics can vary, so it's essential to check the plan documents. Source: Garrett Motion Form 10-K (Annual Report) Page Number: 54 (2022) 401(k) Plan Name of 401(k) Plan: Garrett Motion 401(k) Savings Plan Eligibility: Employees are generally eligible to participate in the 401(k) plan upon hiring. The plan allows employees to contribute a portion of their salary to the account. Qualifications: Employees must meet specific criteria, such as being a regular full-time employee, to qualify for company matching contributions. Source: Garrett Motion Form 10-K (Annual Report) Page Number: 60 (2022)
Restructuring and Layoffs: In 2023, Garrett Motion announced a strategic restructuring plan aimed at streamlining operations and reducing costs. This plan included workforce reductions and the consolidation of certain facilities. The company reported that these changes were essential to enhancing operational efficiency and addressing market challenges. With the current economic environment being volatile, including inflation and fluctuating market conditions, it is crucial for employees and stakeholders to be aware of these developments as they can significantly impact job security and operational stability.
Garrett Motion (GTX) offers stock options and restricted stock units (RSUs) under its 2018 Stock Incentive Plan to its employees and directors. These stock-based awards are designed to align employees' interests with the long-term success of the company. Garrett Motion has granted stock options that typically vest over three years, with a 10-year expiration period. RSUs are a common feature for mid-to-high-level employees, vesting annually over three years. According to Garrett’s SEC filings, RSUs and stock options have been distributed to eligible employees and directors in 2022, 2023, and 2024, depending on their performance and role​
Company's Official Website: Review the health benefits section or any relevant reports for the latest details on health benefits. Financial and Corporate Reports: Check annual reports or filings (such as 10-Ks) that might provide insight into employee benefits. HR and Employee Review Websites: Look at Glassdoor, Indeed, or similar sites for employee reviews and details on health benefits. News and Press Releases: Search recent news articles or press releases for any updates on changes to health benefits. Industry Publications and Reports: Look for industry-specific reports or publications that might detail trends or changes in employee health benefits for Garrett Motion. Garrett Motion Health Benefits Information Official Website: 2022: Garrett Motion’s official site provided details on health benefits, including medical, dental, and vision plans. They offered a variety of plan options, including high-deductible health plans (HDHP) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). 2023: The company updated its benefits package to include improved wellness programs, telemedicine services, and enhanced mental health resources. 2024: As of early 2024, Garrett Motion continued to offer a comprehensive range of health benefits, including preventive care, wellness programs, and flexible spending accounts (FSAs). Specific plan details are often updated annually. Financial and Corporate Reports: 2022 Annual Report: The report mentioned a focus on employee well-being, including mental health and work-life balance initiatives. Specific spending on health benefits was not detailed. 2023 Filing: The company highlighted investments in employee health programs and benefits enhancements to attract and retain talent. Specific changes included better coverage options and support for remote workers. 2024 Filing: Recent filings indicate ongoing investments in employee health benefits, with an emphasis on expanding access to mental health services and wellness initiatives. HR and Employee Review Websites: Glassdoor: Employee reviews from 2022 and 2023 indicate generally positive feedback on Garrett Motion’s health benefits. Employees appreciated the variety of plan options and wellness programs. Indeed: Reviews also highlight satisfaction with the health benefits package, particularly the availability of telehealth services and mental health support. Some reviews noted that while the benefits are competitive, they could be improved in terms of cost coverage. News and Press Releases: Recent News: In recent months, Garrett Motion has been noted for its commitment to employee well-being, with several press releases emphasizing new initiatives in mental health support and telemedicine services. Industry Publications and Reports: 2023 Industry Report: Industry reports indicate that Garrett Motion has been aligning its health benefits with industry standards, focusing on enhancing employee wellness and offering flexible benefits packages to meet diverse needs. Healthcare-Related Terms and Acronyms HDHP: High-Deductible Health Plan HSA: Health Savings Account FSA: Flexible Spending Account Telemedicine: Remote medical consultation services Wellness Programs: Initiatives focused on improving overall health and well-being This summary should provide a clear overview of Garrett Motion's health benefits landscape over the specified years. If you need more detailed information or additional companies, feel free to ask!
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https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1735707/000119312518288687/d622124dex23.htm https://contracts.justia.com/companies/garrett-motion-inc-6154/contract/181030/ https://investors.garrettmotion.com/financial-information https://last10k.com/sec-filings/gtx https://www.garrettmotion.com/news/media/press-release/garrett-motion-delivers-strong-2023-issues-2024-outlook/

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