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Retirement Plans For Granite Construction Employees Who Also Own Their Own Business


This article will generally apply to people who work for Granite Construction but also own their own business on the side. It could also be helpful for Granite Construction employees who are planning to retire and start their own business. You may want to establish one or more retirement plans for yourself and/or your employees. Having a plan can provide significant benefits for both you and your employees (if any). There are many different types of retirement plans, and choosing the right one for your situation is a critical decision. You want a plan that will meet both your goals as the employer, and the needs of any employees you may have. In addition, it is important to balance the cost of establishing and maintaining a plan against the potential benefits.

General Benefits of Retirement Plans

By establishing and maintaining a retirement plan, you can reap significant benefits for both your employees (if any) and yourself as employer. From your perspective as an employer, one of the main advantages of having and funding a retirement plan is that your employer contributions to the plan are generally tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributing to the plan will therefore reduce your organization's taxable income, saving money in taxes. The specific rules regarding deductibility of employer contributions are complex and vary by type of plan, however, so you should consult a tax advisor for guidance.

For many Granite Construction employees who also own their own business, perhaps the greatest advantage of having a retirement plan is that these plans appeal to large numbers of employees. In fact, offering a good retirement plan (along with other benefits, such as health insurance) may allow you to attract and retain the employees you want for your business. You will save time and money in the long run if you can hire quality employees, and minimize your employee turnover rate. In addition, employees who feel well rewarded and more secure about their financial future tend to be more productive, further improving your business's bottom line. Such employees are also less likely to organize into collective bargaining units, which can cause major business problems for some employers.

So, why are retirement plans considered such a valuable employee benefit? From the employee's perspective, key advantages of a retirement plan may include some or all of the following:

  •   Some plans (e.g., 401(k) plans) allow employee contributions. This gives employees a convenient way to save for retirement, and their contributions are generally made on a pretax basis, reducing their taxable income. In some cases, the employer will match employee contributions up to a certain level. 401(k), 403(b), and 457(b) plans can also allow participants to make after-tax Roth contributions. There's no up-front tax benefit, but qualified distributions are entirely free from federal income taxes.
  •  Funds in a retirement plan grow tax deferred, meaning that any investment earnings are not taxed as long as they remain in the plan. The employee generally pays no income tax until he or she begins to take distributions. Depending on investment performance, this creates the potential for more rapid growth than funds held outside a retirement plan.

Caution:  Distributions taken before age 59½ may also be subject to a 10 percent federal penalty tax (25 percent in the case of certain distributions from SIMPLE IRA plans).

  •  Some plans can allow employees to borrow money from their vested balance in the plan. Plan loans are not taxable under certain conditions, and can provide employees with funds to meet key expenses. Despite that, plan loans do have potential drawbacks.
  •  Funds held in a 403(b), 457(b), SEP, SIMPLE, or qualified employer plan are generally fully shielded from an employee's creditors under federal law in the event of the employee's bankruptcy. This is in contrast to traditional and Roth IRA funds, which are generally protected only up to $1,283,025 under federal law, plus any amounts attributable to a rollover from an employer qualified plan or 403(b) plan. (IRAs may have additional protection from creditors under state law.) Funds held in qualified plans and 403(b) plans covered by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) are also fully protected under federal law from the claims of the employee's and employer's creditors, even outside of bankruptcy (some exceptions apply).

Qualified Plans Vs. Nonqualified Plans

If you are an employer who is considering setting up a retirement plan, be aware that many different types of plans exist. The choices can sometimes be overwhelming, so it is best to use a systematic approach to narrow your options. Your first step should be to understand the distinction between a qualified retirement plan and a nonqualified retirement plan. Virtually every type of retirement plan can be classified into one of these two groups. So what is the difference?

Qualified retirement plans offer significant tax advantages to both employers and employees. As mentioned, employers are generally able to deduct their contributions, while participants benefit from pretax contributions and tax-deferred growth. In return for these tax benefits, a qualified plan generally must adhere to strict IRC (Internal Revenue Code) and ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) guidelines regarding participation in the plan, vesting, funding, nondiscrimination, disclosure, and fiduciary matters.

In contrast to qualified plans, nonqualified retirement plans are often not subject to the same set of ERISA and IRC guidelines. As you might expect, this freedom from extensive requirements provides nonqualified plans with greater flexibility for both employers and employees. Nonqualified plans are also generally less expensive to establish and maintain than qualified plans. However, the main disadvantages of nonqualified plans are (a) they are typically not as beneficial from a tax standpoint, (b) they are generally available only to a select group of employees, and (c) plan assets are not protected in the event of the employer's bankruptcy.

Most employer-sponsored retirement plans are qualified plans. Because of their popularity and the tax advantages they offer to both you and your employees, it is likely that you will want to evaluate qualified plans first. (See below for a discussion of types of qualified plans.) In addition to providing tax benefits, qualified plans generally promote retirement savings among the broadest possible group of employees. As a result, they are often considered a more effective tool than nonqualified plans for attracting and retaining large numbers of quality employees for companies.

Tip:  There are several types of retirement plans that are not qualified plans, but that resemble qualified plans because they have many similar features. These include SEP plans, SIMPLE plans, Section 403(b) plans, and Section 457 plans. See below for descriptions of each type of plan.

Defined Benefit Plans Vs. Defined Contribution Plans

Those employed in companies should also understand the difference between defined benefit plans and defined contribution plans. Qualified retirement plans can be divided into two main categories: defined benefit plans and defined contribution plans. In today's environment, most newer employer-sponsored retirement plans are of the defined contribution variety.

Defined Benefit Plans

The traditional-style defined benefit plan is a qualified employer-sponsored retirement plan that guarantees the employee a specified level of benefits at retirement (e.g., an annual benefit equal to 30 percent of final average pay). As the name suggests, it is the retirement benefit that is defined. The services of an actuary are generally needed to determine the annual contributions that the employer must make to the plan to fund the promised retirement benefits.

Defined benefit plans are generally funded solely by the employer. The traditional defined benefit pension plan is not as common as it once was, as many employers have sought to shift responsibility for retirement to the employee. However, a hybrid type of plan called a cash balance plan has gained popularity in recent years.

Defined Contribution Plans

Unlike a defined benefit plan, a defined contribution plan provides each participating employee with an individual plan account. Here, the plan contributions are defined, not the ultimate retirement benefit. Contributions are sometimes defined in the plan document, often in terms of a percentage of the employee's pretax compensation. Alternatively, contributions may be discretionary, determined each year, with only the allocation formula specified in the plan document. With some types of plans, employees may be able to contribute to the plan.

A defined contribution plan does not guarantee a certain level of benefits to an employee at retirement or separation from service. Instead, the amount of benefits paid to each participant at retirement or separation is the vested balance of his or her individual account. An employee's vested balance consists of: (1) his or her own contributions and related earnings, and (2) employer contributions and related earnings to which he or she has earned the right through length of service. The dollar value of the account will depend on the total amount of money contributed and the performance of the plan investments.

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Granite Construction provides a comprehensive retirement benefits package, which includes the Granite Construction Profit Sharing and 401(k) Plan. This plan is a defined contribution plan, where employees can voluntarily contribute a portion of their pre-tax earnings towards their retirement. Granite Construction offers a 401(k) matching contribution that is 100% of employee contributions up to 6% of compensation, with employees becoming eligible for this match after six months of service​ (JobzMall)​ (SEC.gov). In addition to the 401(k) plan, Granite Construction offers a Profit Sharing Plan, which is tied to company profits. The profit-sharing contributions are discretionary and vary depending on the company's earnings​ (SimpleQDRO). Employees who work for Granite Construction for 10 years or more may also qualify for a pension plan, which complements their retirement savings​ (JobzMall). Furthermore, Granite Construction provides an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), where the company contributes newly issued stock or cash that is used to purchase shares for the employees. This further enhances the retirement benefits available to employees​
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Granite Construction offers stock options and Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) under their 2012 and 2021 Equity Incentive Plans. These stock options are performance-based and are made available to employees as part of their compensation packages. Granite (GVA) employees are eligible to participate in the company's equity awards based on their role and performance, which align with the company’s strategic financial and non-financial goals​ (Last10K)​ (SEC.gov). Stock options and RSUs at Granite Construction are available to both managerial and supervisory personnel, aiming to enhance retention and reward significant contributors to the company's success​ (SEC.gov)​ (SEC.gov). In 2022, 2023, and 2024, Granite Construction (GVA) continued offering RSUs and stock options as part of its performance-based incentive structure. These RSUs vest over a defined period, typically contingent on meeting certain performance criteria or service durations​ (SEC.gov). Eligible employees include salaried personnel, primarily those in management roles across the company’s diverse sectors​ (Granite Construction). The incentive programs are designed to align employee interests with shareholders, promoting long-term growth and value creation​
Medical Plans: Granite Construction offers comprehensive healthcare benefits, including options like PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) and HSA (Health Savings Account) plans. Anthem Blue Cross is a major provider for Granite's medical coverage, offering various plan structures such as HSA plans with high deductibles (e.g., $3,000 deductible). Employees typically have access to preventive care, primary care, and specialist visits with coverage based on plan selection. Acronyms and Healthcare-Related Terms: PPO (Preferred Provider Organization): Employees can choose providers within a network for lower out-of-pocket costs. HSA (Health Savings Account): Employees may contribute pre-tax dollars to an account for healthcare expenses. COBRA: Coverage continuation for employees after employment termination or certain life events. Open Enrollment: The annual period where employees can select or change their benefit elections. Recent Employee Healthcare News: Granite Construction has updated its benefit offerings to comply with federal healthcare reform laws, including the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In 2023 and 2024, employees have been encouraged to use online benefits platforms like Workday for enrollment. 100% company-paid health insurance for some employee categories continues to be a key benefit, particularly for those enrolled in high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) that integrate with HSAs.
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Granite Construction at , ; or by calling them at .

https://www.lawinsider.com/contracts/3guDafKhJPy https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1735707/000119312518288687/d622124dex23.htm https://contracts.justia.com/companies/garrett-motion-inc-6154/contract/181030/ https://www.jobzmall.com/granite-construction/faqs/what-is-the-retirement-plan-for-granite-construction-employees https://simpleqdro.com/retirement-plans/GRANITE-CONSTRUCTION-PROFIT-SHARING-AND-401K-PLAN/ https://investors.garrettmotion.com/financial-information https://www.foxrothschild.com/publications/interest-rate-hikes-present-challenge-for-fully-funded-pension-plans https://www.investopedia.com/recalculation-date-pensions-6822209 https://last10k.com/sec-filings/gva https://www.worldconstructionnetwork.com/news/granite-construction-fy23-filings/ https://www.graniteconstruction.com/ https://www.gurufocus.com/news/2488606/granite-reports-second-quarter-2024-results-and-announces-agreement-to-acquire-dickerson-bowen-inc https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1rbS9Ib5 https://www.cashbalancedesign.com/resources/contribution-limits/ https://www.planperfectretirement.com/extended-deadlines-for-new-pension-profit-sharing-plans/ https://www.sec.gov/

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