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Mueller Industries? Is a Rollover into an IRA Right for you?

Choosing an IRA rollover means that your money remains tax-advantaged and capable of growth, as in a Mueller Industries-sponsored plan. You may also gain more investment options than what may have been available in your Mueller Industries-sponsored plan. You may also gain oversight of managing these important retirement assets from your trusted Advisor.

If you roll your retirement plan assets over into an IRA account that you already own through your Advisor, you also receive the benefit of combined statements and holistic investment planning, making it easier to track your overall financial situation.

'Receive the benefit of combined statements and holistic investment planning, making it easier to track your overall financial situation.' brown rocky mountain beside blue sea during daytime

Some of the benefits of rolling your money into an IRA include:

Tax-deferred growth potential: This generally avoids current income tax and distribution penalties when removed from a Mueller Industries-sponsored retirement plan.

More investment choices: This allows for additional contributions, if eligible. IRAs can be combined and handled by one provider, thereby reducing trustee costs and consolidating statements. Protection from creditors in federal bankruptcy proceedings. The combined amount of your required minimum distributions (RMDs) can be taken from any of your Traditional, SEP or SIMPLE IRAs.

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However, there are also some important considerations that Mueller Industries should make before rolling over their money into an IRA, these include:

  • Internal management fees might be higher than in a Mueller Industries-sponsored retirement plan.
  • Fees and expenses depend largely on the investments you choose.
  • Loans from an IRA are not allowed.
  • Early distributions may be subject to a 10% IRS tax penalty in addition to income tax.
  • RMDs begin April 1 following the year you reach 70½ and annually thereafter; leaving the money in the former Fortune-500 plan may allow RMDs to be delayed until separation from service.
  • IRAs are subject to state laws governing malpractice, divorce, creditors (outside of bankruptcy), and other lawsuits; leaving the money in the former Mueller Industries-plan may provide additional protection against creditors.
  • Net unrealized appreciation (NUA) is the difference between what you paid for employer securities and their increased value. You lose favorable tax treatment of NUA if the funds are rolled into an IRA.


Hopefully, these insights will be helpful as you plan your retirement from Mueller Industries.


For more information about this topic, view our e-book here:   https://retirekit.theretirementgroup.com/will-your-retirement-plan-retire-with-you-e-brochure-offer

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With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
Name of Pension Plan: Mueller Industries does not appear to offer a traditional defined benefit pension plan. They may offer other types of retirement benefits, but this specific information might not be publicly detailed. Years of Service and Age Qualification: Since Mueller Industries does not provide a traditional pension plan, there are no specific qualifications regarding years of service or age for such a plan. Pension Formula: Not applicable, as Mueller Industries does not offer a traditional pension plan. Name of 401(k) Plan: Mueller Industries offers a 401(k) plan, but specific details about the name of the plan are not typically available publicly. Eligibility for 401(k) Plan: Generally, employees are eligible to participate in the 401(k) plan once they meet the service requirements outlined by the company. This often includes completing a probationary period or meeting specific employment duration criteria. 401(k) Plan Details: Contribution Matching: Details on matching contributions, if any, were not specifically available in the reviewed documents. Plan Terms: The specifics of the 401(k) plan, including vesting schedules and employer matching, would typically be detailed in the company's benefits handbook or employee manual.
Restructuring and Layoffs: In 2023, Mueller Industries announced a restructuring plan aimed at streamlining operations and reducing costs. This included a significant reduction in workforce, primarily in their manufacturing divisions. The restructuring was driven by a need to adapt to changing market conditions and optimize operational efficiency. Company Benefit Changes: Alongside workforce reductions, Mueller Industries also revised their employee benefits program. This included changes to healthcare options and retirement benefits, reflecting broader trends in cost management and adjusting to economic pressures. The updates aimed to align the benefits structure with the company’s new operational strategy.
Mueller Industries grants stock options and RSUs to incentivize and retain employees. Stock options are linked to performance and tenure, while RSUs are targeted towards senior management. Mueller Industries uses these financial tools to align employee interests with company goals.
Healthcare Benefits Page: On Mueller Industries' official website, their health benefits page details various programs offered to employees. Key benefits include comprehensive medical, dental, and vision coverage. They use terms like PPO (Preferred Provider Organization), HMO (Health Maintenance Organization), and FSA (Flexible Spending Account). They offer a range of plans and provide information on cost-sharing, coverage details, and preventive care services.
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Mueller Industries at , ; or by calling them at .

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