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Crane Holdings Employee: Fallen Tree Damage—Who Pays?

Are Crane Holdings employees responsible for the damage caused by a tree on their property that hits their neighbor’s home or other insured structure, such as a garage or shed?

In most cases, the answer is “no.”

When such damage occurs to your neighbor’s home due to forces outside your control (e.g., weather events), your neighbors may have to file a claim with their insurer to receive a reimbursement for the damage a fallen down tree caused.

There is one exception, however.

If it is determined that the tree damage stems from your negligence (e.g., dead limbs that you refused to cut down, or you chose to trim your tree as a weekend project), then the neighbor’s insurer may come after you to recover their loss—a process called subrogation.¹

You may want to check your policy or speak to your insurance agent to ascertain if your homeowner's policy covers your liability in cases of negligence.

When Neighbors Sue

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Some neighbors may seek to bring legal action against you, though often that is unnecessary.

For those working at Crane Holdings, determine what municipal laws are in place to cover such instances. Generally speaking, you are not responsible unless you knew, or should have known, about the danger. Proving what you knew or should have known can be difficult and costly in a court of law. It typically benefits both parties to arrive at a compromise that avoids an expensive legal process.

The information in this material is not intended as legal advice. Please consult legal or insurance professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation.

With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
Crane Holdings has announced changes to their 401(k) plan, including the addition of the JPMorgan Large Cap Growth Fund and the Fidelity Total Bond Fund to their investment options lineup. This is aimed at providing employees with better growth opportunities and more stable investment choices. The company also raised its full-year adjusted EPS guidance, reflecting a strong financial outlook which can positively impact the stability and potential growth of employee retirement benefits​
Restructuring Layoffs: Crane Holdings completed a significant restructuring with the separation of Crane Company and Crane NXT into two independent publicly traded companies as of April 2023. This separation is part of a strategic initiative to streamline operations and focus on core business segments. As a result, some layoffs and restructuring within the organization may occur, though specific numbers are not detailed in the available sources. The restructuring aims to enhance shareholder value and operational efficiency.
Employee Stock Options Crane Holdings offers stock options to eligible employees as part of its equity compensation plan. These stock options provide employees the right to purchase shares of Crane Holdings at a predetermined price, typically referred to as the exercise or strike price. These options usually vest over a period, meaning that employees earn the right to exercise their options in increments over several years. For example, options granted in 2023 become exercisable at 25% on the first anniversary, 50% on the second anniversary, 75% on the third anniversary, and fully vested by the fourth anniversary. Crane Holdings’ stock options are available primarily to key employees, including executives and senior management, as a way to retain talent and align their interests with shareholders​ (CraneCo)​ (SEC.gov)​ (SEC.gov). Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) Crane Holdings also grants RSUs, which represent a promise to deliver shares of stock to employees upon the fulfillment of certain conditions, such as continued employment over a vesting period. For instance, RSUs granted in 2023 vest on December 31, 2025, contingent on Crane Holdings achieving specific performance criteria and the employee remaining with the company. These units do not require employees to pay an exercise price; instead, they are given shares outright after meeting the vesting conditions. RSUs are typically awarded to a broader group of employees, including senior executives and key contributors, to incentivize long-term performance and loyalty​ (SEC.gov)​ (CraneCo)​ (CraneCo).
Crane Holdings has made significant strides in its employee health benefits over the past few years. For the years 2022, 2023, and 2024, they have consistently aimed to provide comprehensive health coverage to their employees. Health Benefits Overview 2022: Crane Holdings focused on maintaining a robust health benefits package for its employees. They offered standard health insurance options, including medical, dental, and vision coverage. In addition to these, Crane provided supplemental insurances such as life insurance, disability insurance, and long-term care insurance, which employees could opt into during open enrollment periods at advantageous group rates​ (Home Page)​ (Business Wire). 2023: The company continued to enhance its health benefits, introducing more flexibility and additional coverage options. For instance, Crane Holdings improved its wellness programs, incorporating mental health support and telehealth services to better cater to the evolving needs of its workforce​ (CraneCo)​ (Home Page). 2024: In line with the latest trends, Crane Holdings expanded its benefits to include more personalized health management tools and resources. This included advanced health savings accounts (HSAs) and flexible spending accounts (FSAs), as well as incentives for participating in preventive health activities​
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Crane Holdings at 100 First Stamford Pl., Ste. 400 Stamford, CT 6902; or by calling them at 203-363-7300.

https://www.macroaxis.com/stock/CR/Crane-Company https://investors.craneco.com/Investors/press-releases/news-details/2023/Crane-Holdings-Co.-Completes-Financing-For-Upcoming-Separation/default.aspx https://investors.cranenxt.com/press-releases/news-details/2023/Crane-NXT-Co.-Completes-Separation-from-Crane-Company/default.aspx https://intellizence.com/insights/layoff-downsizing/leading-companies-announcing-layoffs-and-hiring-freezes/ https://investors.craneco.com/ https://investors.craneco.com/ https://www.sec.gov/ https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1944013/000119312522305284/d57439dex107.htm https://www.craneco.com/ https://www.theretirementgroup.com/featured-article/5448065/crane-holdings-professionals-be-aware-of-these-important-employee-benefits https://investors.craneco.com/ https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230510005561/en/Crane-Company-Reports-First-Quarter-2023-Results-and-Updates-Full-Year-Guidance/ https://www.craneco.com/ https://investors.craneco.com/

*Please see disclaimer for more information