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Entergy Employee: Fallen Tree Damage—Who Pays?

Are Entergy employees responsible for the damage caused by a tree on their property that hits their neighbor’s home or other insured structure, such as a garage or shed?

In most cases, the answer is “no.”

When such damage occurs to your neighbor’s home due to forces outside your control (e.g., weather events), your neighbors may have to file a claim with their insurer to receive a reimbursement for the damage a fallen down tree caused.

There is one exception, however.

If it is determined that the tree damage stems from your negligence (e.g., dead limbs that you refused to cut down, or you chose to trim your tree as a weekend project), then the neighbor’s insurer may come after you to recover their loss—a process called subrogation.¹

You may want to check your policy or speak to your insurance agent to ascertain if your homeowner's policy covers your liability in cases of negligence.

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Some neighbors may seek to bring legal action against you, though often that is unnecessary.

For those working at Entergy, determine what municipal laws are in place to cover such instances. Generally speaking, you are not responsible unless you knew, or should have known, about the danger. Proving what you knew or should have known can be difficult and costly in a court of law. It typically benefits both parties to arrive at a compromise that avoids an expensive legal process.

The information in this material is not intended as legal advice. Please consult legal or insurance professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation.

With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
Entergy Corporation offers a robust retirement plan system for its employees, which includes both pension and 401(k) options. The Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees transitioned to a Cash Balance Plan on July 1, 2014, and underwent further amendments in 2023 and 2024. As of January 1, 2024, accrued benefits for specific participants were transferred to the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan VI for Non-Bargaining Employees. This shift includes participants who were previously under Appendix J of the former retirement plan, now governed by the new Appendix J of Plan VI​ (SEC.gov). The pension plan utilizes a Cash Balance Equalization formula, which was initially implemented in 2014 and amended in 2023. The plan stipulates that employees accumulate retirement credits based on their compensation and service, with an annual interest credit added to their retirement accounts. Non-bargaining employees with at least five years of service qualify for this pension plan​
Entergy announced in early 2024 a significant restructuring plan aimed at optimizing its operational efficiency. This includes streamlining operations and reducing overhead costs. The plan involves job cuts in non-essential roles and is part of a broader effort to enhance financial stability amid changing energy market conditions. Source: Business Insider
In 2022, Entergy Corporation granted stock options and RSUs as part of their long-term incentive plan. Stock options were available to executives and senior management, while RSUs were provided to a broader group of employees including middle management and high performers. Entergy typically uses the acronym "SO" for stock options and "RSU" for restricted stock units.
Entergy Health Benefits Overview 1. Official Website Website: Entergy Careers Benefits Information: Entergy offers a comprehensive benefits package that includes medical, dental, and vision coverage. They provide a range of plans with varying levels of coverage and cost-sharing options. Employees can also access wellness programs and preventive care services. 2. Benefits Information Website: Entergy Benefits Summary Benefits Information: Entergy's benefits summary highlights health insurance options, including PPO and HMO plans, a Health Savings Account (HSA), and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA). They also offer mental health support and employee assistance programs. 3. News and Updates Website: Business Insider Recent News: In 2023, Entergy updated its health benefits plan to include enhanced telehealth services and expanded mental health resources in response to increased employee demand and well-being concerns. 4. Healthcare Terms and Acronyms Website: HR Dive Healthcare Terms: Common terms include HSA (Health Savings Account), FSA (Flexible Spending Account), PPO (Preferred Provider Organization), HMO (Health Maintenance Organization), and EAP (Employee Assistance Program). 5. Employee Healthcare News Website: Employee Benefits News Recent News: In 2024, Entergy introduced new wellness initiatives, such as on-site health clinics and enhanced maternity benefits, aimed at improving overall employee health and reducing absenteeism
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Entergy at , ; or by calling them at .


*Please see disclaimer for more information