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For Parents at Landstar System: 4 Steps to Protecting a Child with Disabilities

Parents employed in Landstar System may relate to how raising a child is expensive and can cost a quarter of a million dollars, not including college. For a child with special needs, that cost can more than double.1 If you’re the parent of a special needs child, it’s vital to ensure your child will continue to be provided for after you’re gone. It can be difficult to contemplate, but with patience, love, and perseverance, a long-term strategy is attainable and can help bring some peace of mind.

Envisioning a Life Without You

Just as every child with special needs is unique, so too are the challenges facing their families when planning for the long term. As an employee of Landstar System, you must think about the potential needs of your child. Will they require daily custodial care? Ongoing medical treatments? Will your child live alone or in a group home? Can family members assume some of the care? Answers to these and other questions can help form the vision of what may need to be done to plan for your child’s care.

Planning Your Estate

Without proper planning, your child’s lifetime needs can quickly outstrip your funds. With that under consideration, those in Landstar System may want to consider government benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid, which your child may qualify for depending on their situation. Because such government programs have low-asset thresholds for qualification, you may want to consider whether to make property transfers to your special needs child.

As an employee of Landstar System, you should also make sure you have an up-to-date will that reflects your wishes. Consider creating a special needs trust, the assets of which can be structured to fund your child’s care without disqualifying them from government assistance.2

Involve the Family

All affected family members should be involved in the decision-making process. If at all possible, it’s best to have a united front of surviving family members to care for your child after you’ve passed on.

Identify a Caregiver

In order for a caregiver to make financial and health care decisions after your child reaches adulthood, the caregiver must be appointed as a guardian. Those in Landstar System may want to consider how this can take time, so start setting this in motion as soon as you can amidst your busy work schedule.

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To do this, you can write a “Letter of Intent” to the caregiver and family to express your wishes along with information about your child’s care. Landstar System parents must acknowledge that although this isn’t a legal document, it may help to communicate your desires. Store this letter alongside your will, in a safe place.

Landstar System parents must understand that planning for a child with special needs can be complicated and overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. Working with loved ones and qualified professionals can help you navigate the various facets of this challenge. If we can help, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

1. Policygenius, 2019
2. Using a trust involves a complex set of tax rules and regulations. Before moving forward with a trust, consider working with a professional who is familiar with the rules and regulations.

With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
Landstar System offers a defined contribution retirement plan in the form of a 401(k) plan for its employees. The Landstar System, Inc. 401(k) Savings Plan had assets of $159,548,262 at the end of 2022 and serves a substantial number of participants​ (Landstar System, Inc. - IR site). The company does not offer a traditional defined benefit pension plan; instead, the focus is on their 401(k) plan. In the Landstar System 401(k) Savings Plan, employees are automatically enrolled and can choose to invest in a variety of funds, including target-date retirement funds and other mutual funds. A notable feature of the plan is the default investment option, which automatically places participants' contributions into a predefined investment account if they do not actively select one. Landstar also provides matching contributions up to a certain percentage of an employee’s salary. Eligibility for the plan typically requires employees to complete a short service period (often one year) to receive matching contributions​ (Landstar System, Inc. - IR site). Participants in the Landstar System 401(k) plan are vested in company contributions after a specified period of continued employment. These contributions are designed to help employees save for retirement over the course of their career at Landstar​ (Landstar System, Inc. - IR site). The information was sourced from company financial reports and official retirement plan documents. Details regarding the vesting schedule and contribution limits can be found on pages 3-4 of the official Landstar System employee benefits handbook​ (Landstar System, Inc. - IR site).
Landstar System has not experienced major restructuring layoffs in 2023 or 2024. The company has maintained its asset-light business model, focusing on logistics and transportation services without reducing its workforce significantly​ (Landstar System, Inc. - IR site)​ (Landstar). Landstar has enhanced its benefits and 401(k) plan offerings, including improved health insurance options and better retirement matching contributions. These changes were part of their effort to remain competitive in retaining talent. It is important to address this news due to the ongoing economic uncertainties, which affect investment strategies, tax policies, and political decisions​ (Landstar System, Inc. - IR site)​ (Landstar).
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Landstar System at , ; or by calling them at .

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