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Women of FMC: 4 Helpful Retirement Strategies

Preparing for retirement at FMC can look a little different for women than it does for men. Although stereotypes are changing, women are still more likely to serve as caretakers than men are, meaning they may accumulate less income and benefits due to their time absent from the workforce. Research shows that 31% of women are currently or have been caregivers during their careers. Women who are working also tend to put less money aside for retirement. According to one report, women contribute 30% less to their retirement accounts than men.

These numbers may seem overwhelming, but you don’t have to be a statistic. With a little foresight, you can start taking steps now, which may help you in the long run. Here are three steps to consider that may put FMC employees ahead of the curve.

  •  Talk about money.  Nowadays, discussing money is less taboo than it’s been in the past, and it’s crucial to take control of your financial future. If you’re single, consider writing down your retirement goals and keeping them readily accessible. If you have a partner, make sure you are both on the same page regarding your retirement goals. The more comfortably you can talk about your future, the more confident you may be to make important decisions when they come up.
  •  Be proactive about your retirement after FMC.  Do you have clear, defined goals for what you want your retirement to look like? And do you know where your FMC retirement accounts stand today? Being proactive with your FMC retirement accounts allows you to create a goal-oriented roadmap. It may also help to adapt when necessary and continue their journey regardless of things like relationship status or market fluctuations.
  •  Make room for your future in your budget.  Adjust your budget to allow for retirement savings, just as you would for a new home or your dream vacation. Like any of your other financial goals, you may find it beneficial to review your retirement goals on a regular basis to make sure you’re on track.
  • Retirement may look a little different for women, but with the right strategies – and support – you’ll be able to live the retirement you’ve always dreamed of.
  •  Transamerica.com, 2021
  •  GAO.gov, 2021

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With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
Pension Plan (Defined Benefit Plan): FMC Corporation has a pension plan known as the "FMC Corporation Employees' Retirement Program." This plan is a traditional defined benefit plan, which provides retirement, death, and disability benefits to eligible employees. The plan's benefits are determined based on years of service and final average pay, which is a common formula used to calculate pension payouts. The plan is primarily available to employees who were hired before July 1, 2007. After that date, new hires were no longer eligible for the defined benefit plan but were instead enrolled in the defined contribution plan. 401(k) Plan: The FMC Corporation Savings and Investment Plan is the company’s 401(k) offering. For employees hired after July 1, 2007, this plan serves as their primary retirement vehicle. FMC contributes a percentage of eligible pay to the plan annually. One of the notable features of this plan is the immediate vesting on all contributions, including the company match. This means that employees have full ownership of all contributions from the outset. The plan offers a wide range of investment options managed by Fidelity Investments.
Restructuring Efforts: FMC Corporation has been actively restructuring its operations to improve efficiency and profitability. The company expects to achieve $50 million to $75 million in adjusted EBITDA contributions from restructuring actions in 2024, with a run-rate savings target of approximately $150 million by the end of 2025. This restructuring is critical for FMC as it navigates through the challenges posed by the global economic environment, including supply chain disruptions and inflationary pressures. Pension and 401(k) Plans: FMC's financial outlook includes maintaining strong adjusted EBITDA and adjusted earnings per share growth, which are key metrics that can influence the stability and benefits of its pension and 401(k) plans. As FMC continues its restructuring and cost-saving measures, these benefits could see adjustments to align with the company’s long-term financial goals.
Stock Options: FMC offers Non-Qualified Stock Options (NSOs), which allow employees to purchase company shares at a predetermined strike price after a specific vesting period. These options align employee incentives with the company's financial performance, as they offer the potential for profit if the company's stock price increases. However, employees must be aware of the risks associated with stock options, including potential forfeiture if they leave the company before the options vest. RSUs: FMC also provides RSUs, which grant employees the right to receive company shares once certain vesting conditions are met. RSUs do not require employees to purchase the shares upfront, making them less risky than stock options. Once vested, the shares are delivered to the employees, and they may choose to sell them, subject to capital gains tax.
In 2023 and 2024, FMC Corporation maintained its commitment to employee health and well-being by continuing to enhance its health benefits offerings. This included expanding mental health resources and increasing flexibility in healthcare spending accounts. Despite economic challenges, FMC has focused on providing robust support for its employees, including coverage for telemedicine services and wellness incentives to promote a healthier workforce.
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for FMC at , ; or by calling them at .

https://investors.fmc.com/news/news-details/2024/FMC-Corporation-announces-fourth-quarter-and-full-year-2023-results-within-guidance-ranges-provides-2024-outlook/default.aspx https://www.financestrategists.com/retirement-planning/deferred-compensation-plans/ https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/netunrealizedappreciation.asp https://www.taxfavoredbenefits.com/resource-center/retirement/net-unrealized-appreciation-nua-explained https://pitchbook.com/profiles/company/55527-22 https://www.fidelity.com/learning-center/smart-money/401k-contribution-limits https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/investing/401k-contribution-limits https://www.mercer.com/en-us/insights/retirement/defined-benefit-plans/pension-discount-yield-curve-and-index-rates-in-us/ https://www.foxrothschild.com/publications/interest-rate-hikes-present-challenge-for-fully-funded-pension-plans https://www.milliman.com/en/ https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/fmc-corporation-to-introduce-strategic-growth-plan-at-investor-day-details-cost-restructuring-and-provides-preliminary-2024-outlook-1032827286 https://www.thelayoff.com/fmc-technologies https://www.kiplinger.com/ https://am.gs.com/en-int/advisors

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