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Women of Louisiana-Pacific: 4 Helpful Retirement Strategies

Preparing for retirement at Louisiana-Pacific can look a little different for women than it does for men. Although stereotypes are changing, women are still more likely to serve as caretakers than men are, meaning they may accumulate less income and benefits due to their time absent from the workforce. Research shows that 31% of women are currently or have been caregivers during their careers. Women who are working also tend to put less money aside for retirement. According to one report, women contribute 30% less to their retirement accounts than men.

These numbers may seem overwhelming, but you don’t have to be a statistic. With a little foresight, you can start taking steps now, which may help you in the long run. Here are three steps to consider that may put Louisiana-Pacific employees ahead of the curve.

  •  Talk about money.  Nowadays, discussing money is less taboo than it’s been in the past, and it’s crucial to take control of your financial future. If you’re single, consider writing down your retirement goals and keeping them readily accessible. If you have a partner, make sure you are both on the same page regarding your retirement goals. The more comfortably you can talk about your future, the more confident you may be to make important decisions when they come up.
  •  Be proactive about your retirement after Louisiana-Pacific.  Do you have clear, defined goals for what you want your retirement to look like? And do you know where your Louisiana-Pacific retirement accounts stand today? Being proactive with your Louisiana-Pacific retirement accounts allows you to create a goal-oriented roadmap. It may also help to adapt when necessary and continue their journey regardless of things like relationship status or market fluctuations.
  •  Make room for your future in your budget.  Adjust your budget to allow for retirement savings, just as you would for a new home or your dream vacation. Like any of your other financial goals, you may find it beneficial to review your retirement goals on a regular basis to make sure you’re on track.
  • Retirement may look a little different for women, but with the right strategies – and support – you’ll be able to live the retirement you’ve always dreamed of.
  •  Transamerica.com, 2021
  •  GAO.gov, 2021

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With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
Name of the Plan: Louisiana-Pacific Pension Plan. Pension Formula: The plan uses a traditional defined benefit formula, which is calculated based on years of service and average compensation. Years of Service Requirement: Employees generally need to accumulate a minimum of five years of service to be vested. Age Qualification: The typical retirement age is 65, but early retirement options are available starting at age 55 with reduced benefits. Company Acronym and Terminology: The pension plan is commonly referred to as "LP Pension Plan" within internal documentation. Louisiana-Pacific 401(k) Plan: Name of the 401(k) Plan: LP 401(k) Savings Plan. Eligibility: Employees are eligible to participate from the first day of employment. Company Matching Contributions: Louisiana-Pacific provides a matching contribution, typically matching 50% of the employee's contributions up to 6% of their salary. Vesting: Employees are fully vested in their contributions immediately, while company contributions vest after three years of service. Company Terminology: Internally, this is referred to as the "LP 401(k)" and includes standard financial terms like "deferral" and "matching."
Restructuring and Layoffs: In 2024, Louisiana-Pacific Corporation (LP) announced it would cut back on operations at five North American mills due to low demand and product pricing​ (FloorDaily). This restructuring is expected to lead to minimal layoffs at the affected facilities. LP also announced mill closures and production curtailments across Texas, Georgia, and Wisconsin​ (Go Layoffs). This news is critical to address because of the ongoing economic uncertainties, which have been exacerbated by rising inflation and fluctuating demand in the construction materials sector. Companies in this industry must remain flexible to avoid significant financial impacts while protecting their workforce and ensuring long-term viability. Given the current political and tax environment, such restructuring decisions can have far-reaching effects on both employees and the local economy, making it essential to monitor developments closely.
Louisiana-Pacific (LP) Stock Options and Restricted Stock Units (RSU) Overview Louisiana-Pacific Corporation (LP) offers its employees stock options and RSUs through the 2022 Omnibus Stock Award Plan. The RSU award grants employees the right to receive company shares upon vesting, typically over a period of three years. Louisiana-Pacific employees eligible for these awards include senior executives and other high-performing employees. Under this plan, RSUs are awarded at the discretion of the company's administrator, allowing for a retention of shares to satisfy tax obligations at the fair market value of the shares on the date of delivery​ (Louisiana-Pacific Corporation)​ (Justia). In 2022, LP's stock options and RSUs were available to both management and key employees as part of a broader incentive structure to align employees' interests with shareholders. The eligibility criteria were expanded in 2023, allowing more mid-level employees to participate in the equity compensation program. By 2024, Louisiana-Pacific continued to refine its compensation plan by adjusting vesting periods and tax treatment options to comply with updated federal regulations​ (Louisiana-Pacific Corporation)​ (markets.businessinsider.com). Louisiana-Pacific offers stock options and RSUs as part of its incentive-based compensation, ensuring employees can benefit from the company's financial success. These stock options are generally granted with a fixed exercise price, while RSUs vest over time without requiring any purchase from employees​ (Justia)​ (Louisiana-Pacific Corporation).
Louisiana-Pacific Corporation (LP) offers a comprehensive range of healthcare benefits to its employees, designed to support their well-being while also being competitive in the industry. The company provides full-time and part-time employees with medical, dental, and vision coverage, including a wellness program that incentivizes healthy behavior. These benefits extend to dependents and domestic partners, ensuring broad support for employee families. In 2023, LP enhanced its healthcare options to include flexible telemedicine services and an expanded mental health program, reflecting growing trends in the industry toward supporting both physical and mental well-being. With healthcare costs rising significantly, LP's focus on a holistic benefits package helps mitigate some of the economic pressures felt by employees in today’s challenging economic climate​ (LP Building Solutions)​ (Louisiana Health Connect). In response to the broader economic and political environment, LP has also adapted its healthcare offerings to account for inflationary pressures on healthcare costs. For example, in 2024, the company implemented measures to absorb part of the projected 5.4% increase in healthcare costs, preventing significant cost burdens from falling on employees. Additionally, LP's safety and health initiatives, as outlined in their sustainability reports, have been crucial in maintaining workplace health, particularly as global health risks have increased. The company’s decision to prioritize safety training and offer preventative health resources exemplifies its proactive approach in a politically charged healthcare landscape. These efforts help ensure that LP remains an attractive employer, retaining talent amidst economic uncertainty​ (LP Building Solutions)​ (Louisiana Health Connect).
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Louisiana-Pacific at , ; or by calling them at .

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