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HF Sinclair Employees: Does Your Child Need to File an Income Tax Return?

As a parent working at HF Sinclair, we encourage our children to work, so they can learn important values about work and independence. At what point, if at all, do children need to file an income tax return for the money they earn?

The IRS does not exempt anyone from the requirement to file a tax return based on age, even if your child is declared as a dependent on your tax return.

Your dependent children must file a tax return when they earn above a certain amount of income.

Dependent children with earned income in excess of $12,550 must file an income tax return. Dependent children with unearned income of more than $1,100 must also file a return. And if the dependent child's earned and unearned income together total more than the larger of $1,100, or a total earned income up to $12,200 plus $350.

These thresholds are subject to change, so please consult a professional with tax expertise regarding your individual situation.

Here's an example. Kyle is a 20-year-old college student who's claimed as a dependent by his parents. He received $400 in unearned income and $5,500 for a part-time job on campus. He does not have to file a tax return because both his unearned and earned income fall below the thresholds. Kyle's total income of $5,900 is less than his total earned income plus $350.

Even if your child earns less than the threshold amount, filing a tax return may be worthwhile if your child is eligible for a tax refund.

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If you decide to prepare a separate return for your child, the same reduced standard deduction rules detailed above will apply.

The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties.

IRS.gov, 2022

With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
HF Sinclair provides both a pension plan and a 401(k) plan for its employees. The company's pension plan is referred to as the HF Sinclair Retirement Plan, and it generally requires employees to meet certain age and years of service qualifications to be eligible. The pension formula is based on a final average pay calculation, which considers the employee's average salary over the last few years of service. For the 401(k) plan, known as the HF Sinclair 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan, employees are automatically enrolled with a default contribution rate of 6% of eligible earnings. Employees have the flexibility to adjust this contribution rate from 1% to 75% of their eligible earnings. The plan includes a company match, enhancing the retirement savings for participants. Detailed information about the pension and 401(k) plans, including eligibility criteria, contribution limits, and specific terms, can be found in the HF Sinclair benefits summary documents from 2022 to 2024, accessible through their internal benefits portal. Please refer to the specific benefits document for exact details, including page numbers
Layoffs: In 2023, HF Sinclair implemented significant layoffs at its Sinclair refinery, affecting nearly 100 employees. The decision was met with concern from both state and federal officials due to the economic impact on local communities. This reduction aligns with the company's broader strategy to optimize operations in a challenging economic environment. The layoffs are important to address given the current economic pressures and the impact on the local workforce, emphasizing the need for strategic planning and support for affected employees.
HF Sinclair Corporation offers various employee stock options (ESOs) and Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) as part of its equity compensation program. These options and units are made available to employees to align their interests with the company's performance and long-term success. Stock Options: HF Sinclair provides employees the opportunity to purchase company stock at a predetermined price, known as the exercise price. This option typically vests over a period of time, allowing employees to purchase shares at the set price, regardless of the market price at the time of exercise. Restricted Stock Units (RSUs): RSUs are another form of equity compensation offered by HF Sinclair. Unlike stock options, RSUs represent a promise to deliver company shares at a future date, subject to vesting conditions such as continued employment or performance milestones. Upon vesting, RSUs are converted to actual shares of HF Sinclair stock. Eligibility: Both stock options and RSUs are generally made available to a wide range of employees within HF Sinclair, including senior executives, managers, and other key employees. The availability of these equity awards is typically tied to the employee's role, performance, and tenure with the company. In 2022, 2023, and 2024, HF Sinclair continued to issue these equity compensations as part of their incentive plans, adapting the terms and conditions based on the company’s financial performance and strategic goals. For detailed information on the specific terms and conditions, including vesting schedules and eligibility, you can refer to the company’s investor relations presentations and annual reports.
HF Sinclair offers a comprehensive range of health benefits aimed at supporting the physical, mental, and financial well-being of its employees. For the years 2022, 2023, and 2024, HF Sinclair's health benefits include medical plans with Health Savings Accounts (HSA), Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRA), and incentives like the "Go-to-Doctor" program, which offers premium discounts for completing an annual physical. Employees have access to various healthcare plans, including dental and vision coverage, as well as wellness programs that promote preventive care.
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for HF Sinclair at , ; or by calling them at .

https://contracts.justia.com/companies/hf-sinclair-corp-14753/contract/249485/ https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/hf-sinclair-corporation-hold-rating-amid-mixed-segment-performance-and-market-trends-1033638216 https://cwabellingham.com/hf-sinclair-401k-model-allocations-q4-2023/ https://investor.hfsinclair.com/investor-relations/default.aspx https://cwabellingham.com/hf-sinclair-401k-model-allocations-q4-2023/ https://www.foxrothschild.com/publications/interest-rate-hikes-present-challenge-for-fully-funded-pension-plans https://2956401.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/2956401/SLC/Updated%20Guides%208.30.23/SLC_2023_2024_OE_Benefit_Guide_Group_A_Kaiser_FINAL_UPDATED.pdf https://www.hfsinclair.com/investor-relations/press-releases/Press-Release-Details/2023/HF-Sinclair-Corporation-and-Holly-Energy-Partners-L.P.-Announce-Definitive-Merger-Agreement/default.aspx https://rewards.hfsinclair.com/ https://law-store.wolterskluwer.com/s/product/defined-benefit-answer-book-pension-3-mo-subvitallaw-3r/01t0f00000J3FC4AAN https://www.schwab.com/retirement-planning-tools/retirement-calculator https://www.fidelity.com/ https://intellizence.com/insights/layoff-downsizing/leading-companies-announcing-layoffs-and-hiring-freezes/ https://www.merrilledge.com/ https://stockanalysis.com/stocks/dino/employees/ https://oilcity.news/community/energy-community/2022/07/13/governor-cheney-react-to-hf-sinclair-layoff-report/

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