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Why Don't EnerSys Workers Utilize Roth IRA Accounts?

In the professional realm, preparation for retirement is a critical element of financial planning. While many senior executives and EnerSys professionals have diligently contributed to their 401(k) plans, diversifying retirement investments can yield significant benefits.

The Dual Benefit of 401(k) and Roth IRA

Distinguishing Between 401(k) and Roth IRA

  1. Eligibility Criteria : A 401(k) requires employer sponsorship. In contrast, an individual can establish a Roth IRA independently if their income is within permissible limits. Notably, high-income earners can utilize the 'backdoor Roth IRA' strategy to navigate income restrictions.

  2. Prominent Providers : Established institutions such as Charles Schwab, Fidelity, Ally Bank, and robo-advisors like Wealthfront and Betterment are renowned for their Roth IRA offerings. Their services include various investment vehicles and options, ensuring a fit for diverse financial requirements.

  3. Taxation Principles : Traditional 401(k) and Roth IRA both offer tax reliefs but at different junctures. The 401(k) allows for pre-tax contributions, deferring tax until withdrawal. In contrast, Roth IRA contributions are post-tax, making subsequent withdrawals tax-free.

  4. Introducing Roth 401(k) : Many EnerSys employers provide the option of Roth 401(k), combining features of both the 401(k) and Roth IRA. Contributions here are post-tax, while distributions remain tax-free.

  5. Withdrawal Norms : Roth IRA stands out for its flexibility, allowing tax and penalty-free withdrawals of contributions at any point. However, earning withdrawals before age 59.5 could attract penalties. 401(k) withdrawals before the age of 59.5 usually result in penalties and taxes, albeit with some exceptions.

  6. Contribution Limits : As of 2023, while the 401(k) permits an annual contribution of $22,500 ($30,000 for those 50 or above), the Roth IRA caps at $6,500, or $7,500 for those aged 50 and above.

Understanding the Merits of Dual Contributions

Simultaneously contributing to both the 401(k) and Roth IRA offers a strategic advantage for EnerSys employees. It's akin to achieving the best of both taxation worlds – immediate tax relief through a 401(k) and future tax savings with Roth IRA. This alleviates the challenge of predicting future tax brackets.

For EnerSys workers nearing retirement, the IRS provides an added benefit termed 'catch-up contributions.' This allows those aged 50 and above to contribute an additional $1,000 annually to their Roth IRA, on top of the standard limit. It's a crucial tool designed to aid individuals who may have started saving late or wish to bolster their retirement funds. By leveraging this provision, retirees can potentially accumulate a sizable amount in their Roth IRA in the decade leading up to retirement. 

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Allocation Between 401(k) and Roth IRA

If one has both accounts, the next challenge is deciding the contribution split. Ideally, maxing out both accounts would be optimal, but financial constraints might not always allow for this. A pragmatic approach would be to contribute enough to the 401(k) to avail any employer matching, effectively doubling savings. Subsequently, a general rule of thumb suggests allocating 10% to 15% of one's pre-tax income, inclusive of the employer match, across all retirement accounts. For instance, if a person allocates 6% to the 401(k), matched by the employer, they already allocate 12% pre-tax. The remaining 3% can then be funneled into the Roth IRA.


To truly optimize retirement savings, diversification is key. Incorporating a Roth IRA, in addition to a traditional 401(k), amplifies the opportunities to benefit from varied tax advantages, flexible withdrawal regulations, and diverse contribution caps. As senior professionals and potential retirees, adopting a holistic strategy now can ensure a comfortable and secure retirement.

Managing your retirement funds with just a 401(k) is like sailing the vast ocean with only one sail. While it can certainly move you forward, integrating a Roth IRA is akin to adding a second, versatile sail. Together, they catch different financial winds - offering tax benefits now and later, diversifying risks, and ensuring smoother and more efficient progress towards the shores of a comfortable retirement.

With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
For EnerSys, the company provides a 401(k) plan for its employees with a company match. According to reports from employee reviews, EnerSys offers a matching contribution up to 6%. Specifically, the first 4% is matched at 100%, while the next 2% is matched at 50%​ (Day Pitney). This makes it possible for employees to benefit from a total employer contribution of up to 6% of their salary, depending on their personal contribution levels. The EnerSys 401(k) plan is available to all full-time employees, and as per the company's policies, the matching starts after a certain period of employment, typically 90 days​ (Day Pitney). EnerSys also offers a Defined Benefit Pension Plan, though details on the specific name of the plan and the precise formula used were not immediately accessible. However, it is typically calculated based on factors such as years of service and final average pay. Employees are vested after completing a specified period of service, which is typically around five years
Restructuring and Layoffs: In 2023, EnerSys announced a significant restructuring plan aimed at optimizing its global operations. This restructuring led to layoffs affecting several positions across its manufacturing and administrative sectors. The move was part of a broader strategy to streamline operations and reduce costs amid a challenging economic environment. It is crucial to monitor such developments due to the impact of restructuring on employee security and the potential implications for the company’s operational efficiency. Given the current economic climate and investment trends, understanding these changes is essential for stakeholders to navigate the potential risks and opportunities effectively.
EnerSys Stock Options (SO): EnerSys offers stock options (SO) to selected employees based on their roles and performance. The options typically vest over a period of time, ensuring that employees stay with EnerSys for an extended period. EnerSys Restricted Stock Units (RSU): EnerSys grants Restricted Stock Units (RSU) to senior executives and key employees. These RSUs are generally subject to performance and time-based vesting conditions.
Health Plan Options: EnerSys offers its employees competitive health insurance plans, including options through Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS). Employees can choose between a High Deductible Plan (HDP) and a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan​ (Enersys)​ (Enersys Investor). These options are designed to cater to different needs, with the HDP being suitable for employees who prefer lower premiums and higher deductibles, while the PPO offers more flexibility in choosing healthcare providers. Health Savings Account (HSA): Employees enrolled in the HDP have access to a Health Savings Account (HSA), allowing them to set aside pre-tax dollars to cover medical expenses. This is a key feature that supports employees in managing out-of-pocket costs​ (Enersys). Wellness and Preventive Care: EnerSys promotes preventive care through its health plans by offering annual physicals, screenings, and immunizations at no additional cost to employees​ (Enersys). Preventive care is a major focus, aiming to reduce long-term healthcare costs and improve employee well-being. Employee Assistance Program (EAP): EnerSys provides an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for mental health support. This program offers confidential counseling and resources for employees dealing with personal or professional challenges. The EAP is part of EnerSys' broader commitment to employee wellness​ (Enersys Investor). Recent Employee Healthcare News: In response to rising healthcare costs, EnerSys has maintained a commitment to keeping employee contributions low while expanding access to essential services. They have continued enhancing their healthcare plans by offering comprehensive telehealth services, reflecting industry trends aimed at reducing in-person visits and supporting remote healthcare needs​
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for EnerSys at 2366 Bernville Rd Reading, PA 19605; or by calling them at (610) 208-1991.

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