With all of the changes at Raytheon - including surging interest rates - employees need to know what steps to take before leaving. Retiring, or worse, losing your job, is a monumental (for better or for worse) moment in your life. Your mind is racing, your palms are sweating, and you simply just doesn't know how to operate. The loss of a job, especially for those with over 20 years of service, affects the same receptors in the brain as the loss of a loved one. You have been connected with Raytheon for 20 years, and now the relationship is over. Remember to reach out to Raytheon HR & Benefits at 781-522-3000 for all Raytheon summary plan descriptions.
The same five stages of grief apply for a person going through retirement, job loss, or the loss of a loved one. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to get through the lack of employment.
As the reality of the situation settles, your emotions will be a mess. You might feel upset one minute, and annoyed the next, and it can be tempting to vent your frustrations. Remember, acting upon impulse almost never turns out well, and can make a difficult situation even worse.
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Here are a few items to check off as you consider leaving Raytheon:
1. Sit down and carefully analyze your finances. If you have a spouse or signifigant other, involve them in this process. Avoid doing financial business with friends or family. Money and friendships do not mix.
2. Call your Credit Union or Bank, and consider opening a line of credit against your home equity. Consider opening additional credit cards to create an emergency credit line. As many of you have been employed your whole life, you probably won't think to do this - once you are unemployed, it becomes exceedingly difficult to get credit, making it very important you take this line of action.
3. Go over your 401(k) contributions, if you were making them. Decide whether or not you should increase your contributions for your remaining time on payroll, or cease them entirely to build up more immediate cash. How you proceed may have big tax implications. Depending on when you stop contributing, you may end up in a much higher tax bracket due to your severance payment, unemployment, etc.
4. It's not always wise to file for unemployment immediately after the loss of a job. Depending on the time of year you are laid off, paired with your financial situation, it could be beneficial to wait to file your claim so that your unemployment payments fall in the next tax year, when your overall income is lower due to the fact that you're unemployed. There are an overwhelming number of situations that you want to consider before making a move on this. We recommend speaking with a Raytheon-focused retirement specialist to go over your options, at 800-900-5867.
5. Unless you believe your layoff was deserved, speak to a trusted lawyer to go over your options. Venting your anger at managers and colleagues may feel amazing temporarily, but it will damage your career in the long run. You spent all this time building up your relationships at Raytheon, why burn them now? Avoid going online even anonymously to berate past Raytheon staff & management
6. Have a plan for how to fill the void on your LinkedIn profile and your resume. If you are pursuing a new job, having a job makes it much easier when finding your next adventure. In the mean time, you might consider becoming a consultant until you find a permanent position. You may also find the ability go go back to Raytheon as a contractor working on your terms.
7. Figure out what you will tell your Raytheon coworkers - create your go-to statement and practice it, so you can say it without becoming too emotional. It will be normal for friends and acquaintances to ask, and we assume you won't want to burst into tears or lash out every time the question is popped. However horrible you feel, it's crucial to remain calm and act professional, and try to avoid doing anything that might hinder your reputation or integrity. Remember to stay professional on social media when discussing Raytheon
What type of retirement savings plan does Raytheon offer to its employees?
Raytheon offers a 401(k) Savings Plan to help employees save for retirement.
Does Raytheon provide a company match for contributions made to the 401(k) plan?
Yes, Raytheon matches employee contributions to the 401(k) plan up to a certain percentage.
How can Raytheon employees enroll in the 401(k) Savings Plan?
Raytheon employees can enroll in the 401(k) Savings Plan through the company's benefits portal or by contacting the HR department.
What is the minimum contribution percentage required for Raytheon employees to participate in the 401(k) plan?
Raytheon typically requires a minimum contribution percentage of 1% to participate in the 401(k) Savings Plan.
Can Raytheon employees change their contribution amounts to the 401(k) plan at any time?
Yes, Raytheon employees can change their contribution amounts to the 401(k) plan during designated enrollment periods or as allowed by the plan rules.
What investment options are available to Raytheon employees within the 401(k) plan?
Raytheon offers a variety of investment options within the 401(k) plan, including mutual funds, target-date funds, and company stock.
Is there a vesting schedule for the company match in Raytheon’s 401(k) plan?
Yes, Raytheon has a vesting schedule for the company match, which means employees must work for a certain number of years to fully own the matched contributions.
Can Raytheon employees take loans from their 401(k) accounts?
Yes, Raytheon allows employees to take loans from their 401(k) accounts under certain conditions.
What happens to Raytheon employees' 401(k) accounts if they leave the company?
If Raytheon employees leave the company, they can choose to roll over their 401(k) balance to another retirement account, cash out, or leave the funds in the Raytheon plan if eligible.
Are there any fees associated with Raytheon’s 401(k) Savings Plan?
Yes, there may be administrative fees and investment-related fees associated with Raytheon’s 401(k) Savings Plan, which are disclosed in plan documents.