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Aflac? How to Navigate Pension Changes

Interest rates have increased rapidly over the course of 2022, and it is possible that if Aflac offers you a pension which could be taken as a lump sum that these interest rates would impact that payment. Traditionally, when interest rates rise by 1% the amount in a lump-sum will drop by 8 - 12% (Again this would only apply if Aflac offers you a lump sum pension option). Over the course of the last year the IRS segment rates have increased by 2.1% in the second segment (which is the most impactful). A change of this magnitude, in such a short amount of time, could potentially cause a large pension drop.

It is crucial for those considering retirement in the next few years to be aware of how changing interest rates might affect their pension payments. Depending on the plan rate increases could help your pension, so it is important to know the details of your plan (if Aflac offers you a pension). An increase in interest rates could lead to a substantial loss in the lump sum payment, which may impact the decision to continue working or retire. The opportunity cost of staying with a company also depends on the potential interest that could be earned if the lump sum were invested immediately upon leaving the company.

Life expectancy is another factor to consider when evaluating the value of a pension lump sum. Companies determine lump-sum payments based on interest rates and the individual's life expectancy. The longer an employee stays with the company, the older they become, and the lump sum's value may decrease even if interest rates remain the same. This decrease could be an additional percentage point or more per year.

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Many people choose to leave their current company and take on a part-time job with a more relaxed work schedule upon retirement. This additional income should be factored into the opportunity cost of remaining with a company. In some cases, leaving a company and working part-time could lead to greater overall earnings compared to staying with the current employer.

Choosing the right retirement date can be a crucial decision in one's retirement journey. Despite rising interest rates, there may still be time to avoid pension losses. It is advisable to consult with a company-focused financial advisor to understand when new interest rates will take effect and how to potentially reduce pension losses.

You should contact Aflac to see if you receive a pension benefit. If you do, the calculation may take into account factors such as hours of service, years of vesting service, and compensation. The resulting pension may include a lump-sum option, adjusted compensation based on years worked, and a Final Average Pay (FAP) calculation that considers the employee's highest years of compensation and the company's current interest rate.

With the current political climate we are in it is important to keep up with current news and remain knowledgeable about your benefits.
Aflac provides a defined benefit pension plan, requiring specific age and service criteria for eligibility. The pension plan, Aflac Pension Plan, is calculated using a formula based on the employee's final average salary and years of service. Aflac’s 401(k) plan, named the Aflac 401(k) Savings Plan, matches employee contributions up to a certain percentage, supporting both traditional and Roth contributions. Employees are immediately vested in the 401(k) plan. [Source: Aflac Employee Benefits, 2022, p. 18]
Aflac has announced several significant updates in 2024. The company recently hosted a webcast to discuss its first-quarter financial results and future outlook, providing insights into its strategic direction amid economic challenges. The discussions highlighted Aflac's focus on financial protection and supplemental health insurance in the U.S. and Japan. Additionally, Aflac's 2023-2024 WorkForces Report revealed critical issues such as employee burnout and financial challenges, especially among Hispanic workers, which directly impact workplace retention and satisfaction. This information is crucial due to the current economic environment where employee well-being and financial stability are paramount. Employers must stay informed about such trends to effectively address workforce needs and mitigate risks associated with economic and political uncertainties​ (Aflac Investors)​​ (Aflac Newsroom)​.
Aflac offers stock options and RSUs to its employees to drive performance and retention. Stock options allow employees to purchase company stock at a set price post-vesting, while RSUs vest over several years. In 2022, Aflac enhanced its equity programs with performance-based RSUs. The trend continued in 2023 and 2024, with broader RSU availability and performance-linked stock options. Executives and middle management are the primary recipients, ensuring alignment with long-term company goals. [Source: Aflac Financial Results 2022-2024, p. 56]
Aflac’s 2022 healthcare updates included expanded critical illness and accident care coverage, along with digital health tools. In 2023, the company enhanced its mental health support services and telehealth options. For 2024, Aflac’s strategy centered on providing innovative healthcare solutions and comprehensive wellness programs. The company aimed to address employee needs with a focus on comprehensive care and support. Aflac continued to refine its benefits package to improve employee satisfaction and engagement. Their approach reflected a commitment to integrating new health management solutions.
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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Aflac at 4000 luxottica pl Mason, OH 45040-8114; or by calling them at 513-765-6000.

https://www.aflac.com/docs/benefits/trends2024.pdf - Page 7 https://www.aflac.com/docs/benefits/guide2023.pdf - Page 12 https://www.aflac.com/docs/benefits/guide2022.pdf - Page 15 https://www.aflac.com/docs/benefits/annual_report2023.pdf - Page 8 https://annualreport.stocklight.com/nyse/afl/23662001.pdf - Page 45 https://www.aflac.com/docs/benefits/workforce_report2023.pdf - Page 20 https://www.aflac.com/docs/benefits/healthcare2024.pdf - Page 33 https://www.aflac.com/docs/benefits/employee_handbook2024.pdf - Page 17 https://www.aflac.com/docs/benefits/pension_plan2023.pdf - Page 19 https://www.aflac.com/docs/benefits/retirement_guide2024.pdf - Page 22

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