This article is pertinent to all age groups, however those entering their retirement years will find the information particularly important. Open enrollment is the window of time when employers introduce changes to their benefit offerings for the upcoming plan year. If you're employed with Target, this is your annual chance to make important decisions that will affect your health-care choices and your finances.
Even if you are satisfied with your current health plan, it may no longer be the most cost-effective option. Before you make any benefit elections, take plenty of time to review the information provided by Target. You should also consider how your life has changed over the last year and any plans or potential developments for 2022.
Decipher Your Health Plan Options
The details matter when it comes to selecting a suitable health plan. One of your options could be a better fit for you (or your family) and might even help reduce your overall health-care costs. But you will have to look beyond the monthly premiums. Policies with lower premiums tend to have more restrictions or higher out-of-pocket costs (such as copays, coinsurance, and deductibles) when you do seek care for a health issue.
To help you weigh the tradeoffs, here is a comparison of the five main types of health plans. It should also help demystify some of the terminology and acronyms used so often across the health insurance landscape.
Health maintenance organization (HMO). Coverage is limited to care from physicians, other medical providers, and facilities within the HMO network (except in an emergency). You choose a primary-care physician (PCP) who will decide whether to approve or deny any request for a referral to a specialist.
Point of service (POS) plan. Out-of-network care is available, but you will pay more than you would for in-network services. As with an HMO, you must have a referral from a PCP to see a specialist. POS premiums tend to be a little bit higher than HMO premiums.
Exclusive provider organization (EPO). Services are covered only if you use medical providers and facilities in the plan's network, but you do not need a referral to see a specialist. Premiums are typically higher than an HMO, but lower than a PPO.
Preferred provider organization (PPO). You have the freedom to see any health providers you choose without a referral, but there are financial incentives to seek care from PPO physicians and hospitals (a larger percentage of the cost will be covered by the plan). A PPO usually has a higher premium than an HMO, EPO, or POS plan and often has a deductible.
A deductible is the amount you must pay before insurance payments kick in. Preventive care (such as annual visits and recommended screenings) is typically covered free of charge, regardless of whether the deductible has been met.
High-deductible health plan (HDHP). In return for significantly lower premiums, you'll pay more out-of-pocket for medical services until you reach the annual deductible. HDHP deductibles start at $1,400 for an individual and $2,800 for family coverage in 2022, and can be much higher. Care will be less expensive if you use providers in the plan's network, and your upfront cost could be reduced through the insurer's negotiated rate.
An HDHP is designed to be paired with a health savings account (HSA), to which your employer may contribute funds toward the deductible. You can also elect to contribute to your HSA through pre-tax payroll deductions or make tax-deductible contributions directly to the HSA provider, up to the annual limit ($3,650 for an individual or $7,300 for family coverage in 2022, plus $1,000 for those 55+).
HSA funds, including any earnings if the account has an investment option, can be withdrawn free of federal income tax and penalties if the money is spent on qualified health-care expenses. (Some states do not follow federal tax rules on HSAs.) Unspent balances can be retained in the account indefinitely and used to pay future medical expenses, whether you are enrolled in an HDHP or not. If you change employers or retire, the funds can be rolled over to a new HSA.
Three Steps to a Sound Decision
Start by adding up your total expenses (premiums, copays, coinsurance, deductibles) under each plan offered by Target based on last year's usage. Target's benefit materials may include an online calculator to help you compare plans by taking factors such as your chronic health conditions and regular medications into account.
If you are married, you may need to coordinate two sets of workplace benefits. Many companies apply a surcharge to encourage a worker's spouse to use other available coverage, so look at the costs and benefits of having both of you on the same plan versus individual coverage from each employer. If you have children, compare what it would cost to cover them under each spouse's plan.
Before enrolling in a plan, check to see if your preferred health-care providers are included in the network.
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Tame Taxes with a Flexible Spending Account
If you elect to open a Target-provided health and/or dependent-care flexible spending account (FSA), the money you contribute via payroll deduction is not subject to federal income and Social Security taxes (nor generally to state and local income taxes). Using these tax-free dollars to pay for health-care costs not covered by insurance or for dependent-care expenses could save you about 30% or more, depending on your tax bracket.
The federal limit for contributions to a health FSA was $2,750 in 2021 and should be similar for 2022. Some employers set lower limits. (The official limit has not been announced by the IRS). You can use the funds for a broad range of qualified medical, dental, and vision expenses.
With a dependent-care FSA, you can set aside up to $5,000 a year (per household) to cover eligible child-care costs for qualifying children age 12 or younger. The tax savings could help offset some of the costs paid for a nanny, babysitter, day care, preschool, or day camp, but only if the services are used so you (or a spouse) can work.
One drawback of health and dependent-care FSAs is that they are typically subject to the use-it-or-lose-it rule, which requires you to spend everything in your account by the end of the calendar year or risk losing the money. Some employers allow certain amounts (up to $550) to be carried over to the following plan year or offer a grace period up to 2½ months. Still, you must estimate your expenses in advance, and your predictions could turn out to be way off base.
Legislation passed during the pandemic allows workers to carry over any unused FSA funds from 2021 into 2022, as long as the employer opts in to this temporary change. If you have leftover money in an FSA, you should consider your account balance Target's carryover policies when deciding on your contribution election for 2022.
Take Advantage of Valuable Perks
A change in the tax code enacted at the end of 2020 made it possible for employers to offer student debt assistance as a tax-free employee benefit through 2025, spurring more companies to add it to their menu of benefit options. A 2021 survey found that 17% of employers now offer student debt assistance, and 31% are planning to do so in the future. Many employers target a student debt assistance benefit of $100 per month, which doesn't sound like much, but it adds up.1 For example, an employee with $31,000 in student loans who is paying them off over 10 years at a 6% interest rate would save about $3,000 in interest and get out of debt 2½ years faster.
Many employers provide access to voluntary benefits such as dental coverage, vision coverage, disability insurance, life insurance, and long-term care insurance. Even if Target doesn't contribute toward the premium cost, you may be able to pay premiums conveniently through payroll deduction. Target may also offer discounts on health-related products and services, such as fitness equipment or gym memberships, and other wellness incentives, like a monetary reward for completing a health assessment.
1) CNBC, September 28, 2021
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Key Benefits of the Personal Pension Account and Traditional Plan: Target Corporation's pension plan includes two components: the Personal Pension Account and the Traditional Plan. These plans work in tandem to replace a portion of an employee's paycheck during retirement. The Personal Pension Account provides pay credits and interest that accumulate over time, while the Traditional Plan uses a final average pay formula. Together with Social Security and personal savings, these plans help ensure financial security in retirement(Target Corporation_Dece…).
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Payment Options and Spousal Consent: Employees can elect different payment options, including the Single Life Annuity, which provides the highest monthly benefit and ceases at the retiree’s death, or the Joint and Survivor Annuity, which continues payments to a surviving spouse. To elect a non-spouse as a joint annuitant, spousal consent is required, and this must be notarized to ensure compliance with plan rules(Target Corporation_Dece…).
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Circumstances for Denial of Benefits under the Traditional Plan: Benefits under the Traditional Plan may not be paid if an employee leaves before becoming vested (less than three years of service). Employees should ensure they meet the vesting requirements and maintain eligibility by avoiding termination before they reach the minimum service period(Target Corporation_Dece…).
What procedures should employees follow to report changes in marital status, address, or beneficiaries to ensure compliance with the requirements of Target Corporation's pension plan? Employees must understand the importance of timely reporting these changes to avoid potential issues with their retirement benefits and ensure that their pension plan information remains up-to-date.
Reporting Changes in Marital Status or Beneficiaries: Employees must promptly report changes in marital status, address, or beneficiaries to Target's Benefits Center to ensure their pension records remain up-to-date. Failing to do so can lead to delays or issues in processing pension benefits(Target Corporation_Dece…).
How does Target Corporation determine the final average pay used to calculate retirement benefits under its pension plans, and what factors may affect this calculation? Employees nearing retirement should be fully informed about how their compensation is considered in determining their pension benefits, including aspects such as bonuses and overtime that may influence their final average pay calculation.
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Rolling Over 401(k) into the Pension Plan: Employees can roll over their 401(k) accounts into the Pension Plan using the Pension Purchase Program. This option offers several advantages, including avoiding fees associated with purchasing annuities outside the plan and receiving a stable income stream during retirement(Target Corporation_Dece…).
What are the implications of a participant's age and joint annuitant's age on the payment amounts under the various Joint and Survivor Annuity options at Target Corporation? Employees should be aware of how age differences can impact their pension payouts, as the specific percentages payable under these options may vary based on the ages of both the participant and their designated joint annuitant.
Effect of Participant and Joint Annuitant’s Age on Payments: The Joint and Survivor Annuity options are influenced by the ages of both the participant and the joint annuitant. The younger the joint annuitant, the lower the monthly payout due to actuarial adjustments. Employees should consider these factors when selecting an annuity option(Target Corporation_Dece…).
How are retirement benefits managed during potential plan terminations or amendments at Target Corporation, and what protections are in place for employees in these scenarios? Employees should be well-informed regarding their rights in the event of changes to the pension plan, including how benefits would be distributed and under what circumstances they may remain fully vested.
Plan Terminations or Amendments: In case of plan terminations or amendments, vested benefits are protected, and employees will receive their earned pension. If the plan is amended or terminated, Target ensures that vested benefits are distributed according to the plan's terms(Target Corporation_Dece…).
For employees retiring or leaving Target Corporation, what options are available with respect to unused vacation time and how might this be factored into pension calculations? Understanding how accrued time off translates into benefits could have a significant impact on an employee's financial positioning upon retirement.
Unused Vacation Time and Pension Calculations: Unused vacation time does not directly affect pension benefits but can be included in eligible earnings calculations that determine final average pay. Employees nearing retirement should consult with Target’s Benefits Center to understand how unused time may impact their overall benefits(Target Corporation_Dece…).
How can employees contact Target Corporation for assistance with their retirement benefits to address any questions or concerns they may have about their pension plans? Accessing the right resources and support is essential for employees to navigate their retirement benefits effectively. They can reach out to the Target Benefits Center at 800-828-5850 for more specific inquiries related to their personal circumstances. These questions aim to enhance employees' understanding of their retirement benefits, ensuring they are well-prepared for their transition into retirement.
Contacting Target for Pension Assistance: Employees can contact the Target Benefits Center at 800-828-5850 for assistance with their retirement and pension plans. This center provides support with any questions related to pension options, payments, and administrative requirements(Target Corporation_Dece…).