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Target: Social Security and Medicare


For Target retirees, determining the best method to collect Social Security benefits is crucial for retirement income planning. Understanding and claiming Social Security can be problematic for many Target retirees. Social Security benefits are not intended to be a retiree's solitary source of income, but rather a component of their overall withdrawal strategy. Knowing the fundamentals of Social Security and utilizing this information to your advantage will allow you to receive the maximum benefit.

According to a study published in the Journal of Aging and Health in February 2023, it was found that retirees who delay claiming Social Security benefits until the age of 70 can significantly increase their Medicare premium savings. The study revealed that by waiting to claim Social Security until age 70, retirees may qualify for the Medicare hold harmless provision, which limits the increase in Medicare premiums. This information is particularly relevant to our target audience of 60-year-olds as it emphasizes the potential financial benefits of delaying Social Security and carefully coordinating it with Medicare enrollment.

When you first become eligible, it is your responsibility as an Target employee to enroll in Medicare parts A and B, and you must remain enrolled in order to be covered for Medicare-eligible expenses. This also applies to your eligible Medicare dependents. 

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As a retired Target employee, you should be aware of how your medical plan selections and Medicare eligibility affect your plan options. Before you retire from Target, contact the United States Social Security Administration at (800) 772-1213, your local Social Security Office, or ssa.gov. They can help you determine your eligibility, enroll you and/or your eligible dependents in Medicare, and provide information about other government programs.

Next Step:

Check the status of your Social Security benefits before leaving your position with Target. Call (800) 771-1213 to reach the Social Security Administration of the United States. You can also visit ssa.gov or call your local Social Security office.


If you or your dependents are currently eligible for Medicare or will become eligible for Medicare after you leave Target, Medicare generally becomes your primary coverage as soon as the individual becomes eligible. This will affect the medical benefits provided by your employer. When you first become eligible for Medicare, you and your Medicare-eligible dependents must enroll in Medicare Parts A and B. Medical and MH/SA benefits payable under the employer-sponsored plan will be reduced by the amount Medicare Parts A and B would have paid had you enrolled in them, regardless of whether you enroll in them. Details on coordination of benefits for Target employees can be found in the summary plan description (SPD)(2).

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If you or your eligible dependent do not enroll in Medicare Parts A and B as an Target employee, your provider may bill you for the amounts not covered by Medicare or your Target medical plan, significantly increasing your out-of-pocket expenses.

According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), Medicare will cover approximately sixty percent of a person's medical expenses. This implies that a 65-year-old couple with average prescription drug costs will need $259k in savings to have a 90% chance of covering their healthcare costs. A solitary male requires $124,000, while a single female requires $140,000 due to her longer life expectancy. In order to be better prepared for future expenses, Target retirees must account for research findings.

Understanding the intersection of Social Security and Medicare for Target retirees is like navigating the merging lanes of a highway. Just as drivers must navigate the complex merging process to smoothly transition from one lane to another, Target retirees must navigate the intricacies of Social Security and Medicare to ensure a seamless transition into retirement. Imagine carefully checking your blind spots, signaling, and timing your merge to optimize your journey. Similarly, Target retirees need to be aware of eligibility requirements, enrollment periods, and the impact on their medical benefits to make informed decisions and maximize their retirement income. By skillfully navigating this merging process, Target retirees can enjoy a smooth transition into the next phase of their lives with confidence and financial security.

Next Step:

Get Medicare prescription drug information by visiting medicare.gov.

Check your SPD Summary(2) to see if you're eligilble to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B (2). If you become Medicare eligible for reasons other than age, you must contact the Target Benefits Center about your status.

For more information on what to do if you are divorcing or divorced, visit https://techstaffer.blog/2019/12/27/att-divorced-or-divorcing/

For more information on the stages of retirement, visit https://techstaffer.blog/2019/12/18/att-stages-of-retirement/

For more information on Target job postings, visit https://techstaffer.blog/2020/01/31/att-surplus-job-ideas/

What are the key benefits provided by Target Corporation's Personal Pension Account and Traditional Plan for employees approaching retirement, and how do these plans ensure financial security during retirement years? Understanding the synergy between these two plans is essential for retirees, as they work together alongside Social Security and personal savings to replace a portion of an employee's paycheck after retirement.

Key Benefits of the Personal Pension Account and Traditional Plan: Target Corporation's pension plan includes two components: the Personal Pension Account and the Traditional Plan. These plans work in tandem to replace a portion of an employee's paycheck during retirement. The Personal Pension Account provides pay credits and interest that accumulate over time, while the Traditional Plan uses a final average pay formula. Together with Social Security and personal savings, these plans help ensure financial security in retirement​(Target Corporation_Dece…).

How can employees elect different payment options, such as the Single Life Annuity or the Joint and Survivor Annuities, within Target Corporation's pension plans? It is crucial for employees to grasp not only the financial implications of these choices but also the necessary spousal consent required when designating a joint annuitant, particularly if the chosen joint annuitant is not the employee's spouse.

Payment Options and Spousal Consent: Employees can elect different payment options, including the Single Life Annuity, which provides the highest monthly benefit and ceases at the retiree’s death, or the Joint and Survivor Annuity, which continues payments to a surviving spouse. To elect a non-spouse as a joint annuitant, spousal consent is required, and this must be notarized to ensure compliance with plan rules​(Target Corporation_Dece…).

In what circumstances might benefits not be paid under the Traditional Plan, and what steps can employees take to ensure they remain eligible for their pension benefits upon termination of employment? Target Corporation's policy outlines several scenarios where benefits could be denied, making it necessary for employees to be proactive in understanding their rights and responsibilities concerning plan participation.

Circumstances for Denial of Benefits under the Traditional Plan: Benefits under the Traditional Plan may not be paid if an employee leaves before becoming vested (less than three years of service). Employees should ensure they meet the vesting requirements and maintain eligibility by avoiding termination before they reach the minimum service period​(Target Corporation_Dece…).

What procedures should employees follow to report changes in marital status, address, or beneficiaries to ensure compliance with the requirements of Target Corporation's pension plan? Employees must understand the importance of timely reporting these changes to avoid potential issues with their retirement benefits and ensure that their pension plan information remains up-to-date.

Reporting Changes in Marital Status or Beneficiaries: Employees must promptly report changes in marital status, address, or beneficiaries to Target's Benefits Center to ensure their pension records remain up-to-date. Failing to do so can lead to delays or issues in processing pension benefits​(Target Corporation_Dece…).

How does Target Corporation determine the final average pay used to calculate retirement benefits under its pension plans, and what factors may affect this calculation? Employees nearing retirement should be fully informed about how their compensation is considered in determining their pension benefits, including aspects such as bonuses and overtime that may influence their final average pay calculation.

Final Average Pay Calculation: Target Corporation calculates final average pay based on the five highest years of earnings out of the last 10 years of service. This includes regular pay, overtime, bonuses, and commissions but excludes items like workers' compensation or long-term disability payments​(Target Corporation_Dece…).

How can employees begin the process of rolling over their Target 401(k) accounts into the Pension Plan, and what advantages does this Pension Purchase Program offer? Understanding this rollover option is vital for maximizing retirement benefits, as it can provide employees with a stable income stream while avoiding unnecessary fees typically associated with purchasing annuities outside the plan.

Rolling Over 401(k) into the Pension Plan: Employees can roll over their 401(k) accounts into the Pension Plan using the Pension Purchase Program. This option offers several advantages, including avoiding fees associated with purchasing annuities outside the plan and receiving a stable income stream during retirement​(Target Corporation_Dece…).

What are the implications of a participant's age and joint annuitant's age on the payment amounts under the various Joint and Survivor Annuity options at Target Corporation? Employees should be aware of how age differences can impact their pension payouts, as the specific percentages payable under these options may vary based on the ages of both the participant and their designated joint annuitant.

Effect of Participant and Joint Annuitant’s Age on Payments: The Joint and Survivor Annuity options are influenced by the ages of both the participant and the joint annuitant. The younger the joint annuitant, the lower the monthly payout due to actuarial adjustments. Employees should consider these factors when selecting an annuity option​(Target Corporation_Dece…).

How are retirement benefits managed during potential plan terminations or amendments at Target Corporation, and what protections are in place for employees in these scenarios? Employees should be well-informed regarding their rights in the event of changes to the pension plan, including how benefits would be distributed and under what circumstances they may remain fully vested.

Plan Terminations or Amendments: In case of plan terminations or amendments, vested benefits are protected, and employees will receive their earned pension. If the plan is amended or terminated, Target ensures that vested benefits are distributed according to the plan's terms​(Target Corporation_Dece…).

For employees retiring or leaving Target Corporation, what options are available with respect to unused vacation time and how might this be factored into pension calculations? Understanding how accrued time off translates into benefits could have a significant impact on an employee's financial positioning upon retirement.

Unused Vacation Time and Pension Calculations: Unused vacation time does not directly affect pension benefits but can be included in eligible earnings calculations that determine final average pay. Employees nearing retirement should consult with Target’s Benefits Center to understand how unused time may impact their overall benefits​(Target Corporation_Dece…).

How can employees contact Target Corporation for assistance with their retirement benefits to address any questions or concerns they may have about their pension plans? Accessing the right resources and support is essential for employees to navigate their retirement benefits effectively. They can reach out to the Target Benefits Center at 800-828-5850 for more specific inquiries related to their personal circumstances. These questions aim to enhance employees' understanding of their retirement benefits, ensuring they are well-prepared for their transition into retirement.

Contacting Target for Pension Assistance: Employees can contact the Target Benefits Center at 800-828-5850 for assistance with their retirement and pension plans. This center provides support with any questions related to pension options, payments, and administrative requirements​(Target Corporation_Dece…).

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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Target at 10 South Dearborn Street 48th Floor Chicago, IL 60603; or by calling them at 1-800-440-0680.

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